Define Greek cross. Greek cross synonyms, Greek cross pronunciation, Greek cross translation, English dictionary definition of Greek cross. n. A cross formed by two bars of equal length crossing in the middle at right angles to each other. American Herit
Define Greek Ionic. Greek Ionic synonyms, Greek Ionic pronunciation, Greek Ionic translation, English dictionary definition of Greek Ionic. Ionic order Ionic order capital n. One of the three main orders of classical Greek architecture, characterized by
Learn about the Greek chorus in "Antigone" by Sophocles. Discover what a chorus provides the audience, what it represents, and the chorus' role in...
The first of the tribal contests was theEuandria, a procession in which leaders from tribes of Athens chose twenty-four (same number as in a theatrical chorus) of the tallest and best-looking of their tribe, and arrayed them in colourful, festive garments. They competed with the same number...
The Role of the Chorus in "Medea": Reflecting the Moral and Social Conscience Medea and the Theme of Betrayal: Analyzing Her Betrayal by Jason and Her Revenge The Dichotomy of Public and Private Justice in "Medea" The Representation of Witchcraft and Magic in "Medea": Power and Control ...
(the afterlife underworld of the Greek mythos), perspective flips from recalling her time in the land of the living to her interactions with the same characters after death. The author also incorporates the story of the 12 hanged maids as a chorus, chanting intermittent, heart-wrenching chapters...
2.Performance:Lyric poetry did not require a second person, but choral lyric did require a chorus which would sing and dance. Lyric poetry was accompanied by a lyre or barbitos. Epic poetry was accompanied by a cithara. 3.Meter:Varied. ...
See the definition of catharsis. Learn about catharsis in literature, view catharsis examples, and read the history of catharsis. Related to this Question How is catharsis important to a tragedy? What is catharsis theory? What is the catharsis hypothesis?
Define Greek. Greek synonyms, Greek pronunciation, Greek translation, English dictionary definition of Greek. n. 1. a. The Indo-European language of the Greeks. b. Greek language and literature from the middle of the eighth century bc to the end of the t
Define Greek legend. Greek legend synonyms, Greek legend pronunciation, Greek legend translation, English dictionary definition of Greek legend. Noun 1. Greek mythology - the mythology of the ancient Greeks Trojan War - a great war fought between Greece