原文定位:Now, the ideal of plain, white sculpture goes back to fifteenth-century Europe, when Renaissance artists rediscovered ancient Greek and Roman culture. They were inspired by sculptures that appeared monochrome, so they created white marble statues. The impact of these Renaissance statues, suc...
MALE PROFESSOR: I'm sure you've all been to a museum where you've seen beautiful white marble statues sculpted by the Greeks and Romans…or at least that you've seen photos of such statues, right? We have come to expect these classical Greek and Roman statues to be monochrome—just one...
托福托福 42 - Greek and Roman Statues 材料音频 去精听 查看全文 题目 L1 123456 A . Try to preserve deteriorating ancient pigments with an organic surface treatment. B . Educate the public about the damage caused by cleaning works of art. ...
TPO54-L4 the benefits of Muon detectors 5.0 英文复述 270 2019-03 2 TPO44-C1 Hawthorne Effect 107 2019-02 3 TPO42-L2 distribution of galaxies 英文复述 77 2019-02 4 TPO42-L2 Distribution of galaxies 81 2019-02 5 TPO42-L1 Greek and Roman Statues ...
精听听写:TPO 42-42 Greek and Roman Statues 句子列表 00:00 00:00 第1段一4.84秒 第1句 - 4.84 秒 第2段一24.96秒 第1句 - 10.8 秒 第2句 - 14.16 秒 第3段一28.6秒 第1句 - 10.48 秒 第2句 - 6.32 秒 第3句 - 11.8 秒 第4段一6.36秒...
托福新托福 42 - Greek and Roman Statues 材料音频 去精听 查看全文 题目 L1 123456 A . To explain why a particular statue of a Roman emperor is so famous B . To discuss how classical Greek and Roman statues looked in ancient times
TPO-42 L1 Greek and Roman Statues 退出 提示操作指南:按 空格键 播放/暂停,按 / 键播放当前句,按 ↑ (↓)键回到上(下)一句,按 z (x)键进入上(下)一段,按 ← (→)键后退(前进),按 < 键查看原文,按 > 键查看译文。 错误反馈 欢迎使用威学一百精听练习 开始练习 段落精听 全文精听 00:00 / ...
fountain– n.an outdoor, stone structure that water flows through garden– n.an outdoor area of flowers and shrubs restore– v.to return something to its original condition unfortunate– adj.not having good luck pandemic– n...
TPO42 听力 Greek and Roman statues 网校学员哈哈哈**在学习1对1首席名师致胜托福【32课时签约直达班】时提出了此问题。 本知识点暂无讲解,如果你有相关疑惑,欢迎进班咨询。版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《1对1首席名师致胜托福【32课时签约直达班】》的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以报名参加课程学习。所有知识...
日常英语考考你 | 欧美人不认为长鹰钩鼻子的人阴险,但是文化差异不大,都认为人的鼻子长得大很美。常常能看到“high and well-shaped nose"之类的文词夸奖某某的鼻子好看。英文“大鼻子”的“大”字可以翻译成:large、high、prominent,甚至“大鼻子”还可以说成“Roman nose”。“鹰钩鼻子”可以翻译成”aquiline ...