The final two letters of the Greek alphabet The first two letters of the Latin alphabet The first two letters of the Greek alphabet Create your account to access this entire worksheet A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets ...
Quiz & Worksheet Goals See what you know about: An old Greek system of numerals that led to Roman numerals Rounding Greek numerals The first three numbers in the Greek alphabet Adding two alphabetic Greek numbers Skills Practiced Reading awareness - make sure that you know the most impor...
He used the earliest alphabet. It was often thought that Homer’s poetry was written down immediately after the invention of the alphabet. He composed a collection of poems that depicts the events of the Trojan War in a book of poetry titled the Epic Cycle. He also included a collection of...
Some of our alphabet came from the one that the Ancient Greeks used. Greece was divided into city-states that each had their own laws and way of life, but all spoke the same language. Two of the best-known city states are Athens and Sparta. In Athens, Greek styles of art, architecture...