时间复杂度:O((m+Q)logm) 代码: constintN =1e5+10;intn, m, Q;intf[N][20];set<pii> v[N];typedefset<pii>::iterator iter;structedge{intu, v, s, t;} e[N];intget(intu,intval){iter it = v[u].lower_bound(mkp(val,0));if(it == v[u].end())return-1;return(*it)...
Greedy Takahashi——UPC 题目描述 Takahashi has A cookies, and Aoki has B cookies. Takahashi will do the following action K times: ·If Takahashi has one or more cookies, eat one of his cookies. ·Otherwise, if Aoki has one or more cookies, eat one of Aoki’s cookies. ·If they both ...
题目描述Takahashi has A cookies, and Aoki has B cookies. Takahashi will do the following action K times:·If Takahashi has one or m #include #define #pragma 原创 PushyTao 2020-03-17 23:38:02 22阅读 贪心(GreedyAlgorithm) 贪心(GreedyAlgorithm)11. 盛最多水的容器44. 通配符匹配45. 跳跃游戏...
Greedy Takahashi——UPC 题目描述 Takahashi has A cookies, and Aoki has B cookies. Takahashi will do the following action K times: ·If Takahashi has one or more cookies, eat one of his cookies. ·Otherwise, if Aoki has one or more cookies, eat one of Aoki’s cookies. ·If they both ...
T Takahashi,K Yu,D Uragami - 《Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence》 被引量: 5发表: 2016年 A Techno-economic Analysis of Network Migration to Software-Defined Networking As the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm gains momentum, every network operator faces the ...
Jin TAKAHASHI2001 ICEP: International conference on electronics packaging(ICEP 2001), IEMT/IMC symposium, April 18-20, 2001, Tokyo Ryutsu Center, Tokyo, JapanA. Kanasugi, et al. (2001) A Greedy Router based on Maze Router and Genetic Algorithm, Proc. Int. Conf. on Electronics Packaging, ...
题解[ABC212F] Greedy Takahashi 这题赛场上看了觉得完全不可做,这我连跑一遍都不能在 O(n)O(n) 时间内解决,却给我十万个询问,十万个点和边。 没想到短短不到 4040 行代码就解决了。算法竞赛的魅力啊!nn 个城市,mm 辆车,对于第 ii 辆车在 si+0.5si+0.5 时刻从 uiui 出发,于 ti+0.5ti+0.5 抵达...
Atcoder 212F Greedy Takahashi Problem Statement There are N cities numbered 1 through N, and MM buses that go between these cities. The i-th bus (1≤i≤M) departs from City Ai at time Si+0.5 and arrive at City Bi at time Ti+0.5....
题目描述Takahashi has A cookies, and Aoki has B cookies. Takahashi will do the following action K times:·If Takahashi has one or m #include #define #pragma 原创 PushyTao 2020-03-17 23:38:02 22阅读 贪心(GreedyAlgorithm) 贪心(GreedyAlgorithm)11. 盛最多水的容器44. 通配符匹配45. 跳跃游戏...
GreedyTakahashi——UPC 题目描述Takahashi has A cookies, and Aoki has B cookies. Takahashi will do the following action K times:·If Takahashi has one or m #include #define #pragma 原创 PushyTao 2020-03-17 23:38:02 22阅读 [Algorithm] Radix SortAlgorithm ...