Greedy Decoding与Beam Search是文本生成领域中两种不同策略。Greedy Decoding每次选择概率值最大的单词,简单直接但存在局限性,可能累积错误。相反,Beam Search提供了一种平衡选择与时间复杂度的方法,允许在考虑更多可能性的同时,避免贪心算法的局限。Beam Search的时间复杂度与参数k(beam宽度)密切相关。...
beam size为N(词库大小)即为Exhausitive Search。 缺点:无。
二.beam search的时间复杂度及解释 beam search的时间复杂度:令序列长度为T,beam search的关键参数为K...
K. Li. Trainable greedy decoding for neural machine translation. In EMNLP, 2017.Jiatao Gu, Kyunghyun Cho, and Victor O. K. Li. 2017a. Trainable greedy decoding for neural machine trans- lation. In EMNLP.J. Gu, K. Cho, and V.O. Li, "Trainable greedy decoding for neural machine ...
# Basic decoder performs greedy decoding at each time step print("building greedy decoder..") inference_decoder = seq2seq.BasicDecoder(cell=self.decoder_cell, helper=decoding_helper, initial_state=self.decoder_initial_state, output_layer=output_layer) ...
GreedyDirect Decoding Algorithm for syntax-based tree-to-string Statistical Translation Model 树-串句法统计翻译模型的正向贪心解码算法 属类:行业术语-中文论文标题- None have been sogreedyas they. 谁也不象他们那么贪得无厌。 属类:综合句库--
Support batch greedy search decoding (#30) Browse files master (#30) v1.10.25 … asr-models csukuangfj committed Feb 19, 2023 Verified 1 parent ebc3b47 commit 8acc059 Showing 5 changed files with 182 additions and 69 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified ...
1) greedy [英]['ɡri:di] [美]['gridɪ] 贪心 1. Research on Algorithm for Course Scheduling System Based on Dividing-Conquering and Greedy 基于分治和贪心相结合的排课算法研究 2. In order to effectively direct the translation process by syntax information,a greedy direct decoding algorithm...
The CTCGreedyDecoder performs greedy decoding on the logics given in input (best path) in Tensorflow and it works best from our pre-trained model text_recognition_0012 as it was developed using source framework of Tensorflow - text-recognition-0012 - OpenVINO™ Toolkit (openvinotoolkit....
The CTCGreedyDecoder performs greedy decoding on the logics given in input (best path) in Tensorflow and it works best from our pre-trained model text_recognition_0012 as it was developed using source framework of Tensorflow - text-recognition-0012 - OpenVINO™ Toolkit (op...