2.VIX(Volatility Index)指数:中文名叫波动率指数,又称恐慌指数,是用来反映美国股票市场标普500指数未来30天预期波动率的重要指标。当市场预期股市会发生特别大的波动的时候,这个VIX指标会变得极大。 可以看到,这个指标在21世纪美国历史两次最大危机中,都有极高的敏感度,很好的描绘了市场的情绪。
恐惧贪婪指数(Fear & Greed Index) 一、由来: 巴菲特有一句经典名言“别人恐惧我贪婪,别人贪婪我恐惧”。这话不难理解,当投资者开始表现得贪婪时,我们应该恐惧,因为这时往往伴随着资产价格泡沫和股票高估;但当投资者表现得恐惧时,我们应该贪婪,因为恐慌导致的盲目抛售将形成价值洼地,正是进行投资的好时机! 二、定义...
又称原中国波指iVIX,①它反映市场参与者对于未来波动程度的预期;②一个利用了期权市场的特性来反应股票市场情绪的指标;③它是一个舶来品,来自于美国鼎鼎大名的VIX指数。 2.VIX(Volatility Index)指数:中文名叫波动率指数,又称恐慌指数,是用来反映美国股票市场标普500指数未来30天预期波动率的重要指标。当市场预期股市...
恐惧贪婪指数(Fear & Greed Index)是由海外软件供应商Alternative(https://alternative.me/) 提供,其官网地址为https://alternative.me/crypto/fear-and-greed-index/。 恐惧贪婪指数(Fear & Greed Index)能够用来衡量市场上投资人的情绪,而最容易在投资人身上出现的两种情绪分别为「贪婪」与「恐惧」。 当投资人对...
The Fear and Greed Index is a market sentiment indicator used to gauge investor sentiment in the stock market, typically ranging from 0 (Extreme Fear) to 100 (Extreme Greed). It combines various data sources, including market momentum, stock price streng
CNN Money has come up with an index to quantify these two powerful emotions, and this is the Fear and Greed Index.
The CNN Money Fear and Greed index showed an improvement in the overall market sentiment, while the index remained in the "Extreme Greed" zone on Monday. U.S. stocks closed lower on Monday, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite falling from all-time highs. US stock markets recorded gains...
Investment Insights from Warren Buffett: Emotions Drive Decisions Renowned investor, Warren Buffett, famously said, "When people are fearful, they are greedy, and when they're greedy, they are fearful." The Fear & Greed Index serves as a mirror to market sentiment, with values below...
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The Fear & Greed Index was developed by CNN Business to measure how emotions influence how much investors are willing to pay for stocks.