Plus, DeRozan’s legacy goes beyond what he did on the court. Not only did DeRozan embrace Toronto and Canada as a second home and as a place that he wanted to play for his entire career; he was also one of the most human superstars Toronto sports has ever had, opening up in a w...
Lex Luthor got a similar update: He no longer wore purple-and-green costumes — choosing instead Fortune 500 tailored suits. The Luthor you saw in the Bruce Timm cartoons was pretty much lifted whole cloth from Byrne. Lois, meanwhile, was a stylish cross between Margot Kidder and Barbara Sta...
Most first-timers suffered under the weight of an aesthetic. Either they had been evicted from another group—Wordsmith’s, Pen Women—or swept out of the bungalow of a fed-up aunt. To us these exiles lugged their trilogy concepts, claims to inborn talent, their influences.Rimbaud! Fletcher ...
Bryant Clifford Meyer’s electronics, lend a cinematic quality; on “Weight,” ghostly chants from Christopher and Ayal Naor assume the main focus. The climax comes in “From Sinking” and “Hym,” an overwhelming one-two punch of desperation and transcendence. “Oceanicwas the first record ...
”“They were just dead weight to me.”) He took the music on the road with Crazy Horse and filmed a gig at San Francisco’s Cow Palace for this concert movie. It captures Young at the peak of his live powers as he thrashes out porto-grunge tunes like “Welfare Mothers, ‘”Sedan...
“You look like a perfect fit/ For a girl in need of a tourniquet,” Mann sings alongside ambling acoustic guitar. “But can you save me?/ Come on and save me.” It’s a simple plea, but the straightforwardness of the request gives it a weight that will knock the wind out of ...
Flynn barked, "That we’re literally the only two human beings on this entire ship? And what if we’re forced to breed the next generation of humanity? I’m gay. And even if I wasn’t, I’d like to think I could do a little better than you!" ...
Marley’s version is every bit as provocative as the original text: Selassie noted that until his litany of human-rights demands were met, “the African continent will not know peace.” Marley splits the text into verses and ends each one with a declaration that there’s war everywhere, ...
Instrumental tracks, infused with Bryant Clifford Meyer’s electronics, lend a cinematic quality; on “Weight,” ghostly chants from Christopher and Ayal Naor assume the main focus. The climax comes in “From Sinking” and “Hym,” an overwhelming one-two punch of desperation and transcendence. ...
“You look like a perfect fit/ For a girl in need of a tourniquet,” Mann sings alongside ambling acoustic guitar. “But can you save me?/ Come on and save me.” It’s a simple plea, but the straightforwardness of the request gives it a weight that will knock the wind out of ...