As a central character in the Dragonlance Chronicles series, Flint Fireforge presents a quintessential blend of dwarven craftsmanship and stubbornness. With his gruff exterior concealing a heart of gold, Flint is an essential member of the Heroes of the Lance, where his extensive knowledge of ancien...
Also ranks #180 on The Best Movie Characters Of All Time 11 Nick Fury The Avengers 418 votes The ultimate super-spy and a linchpin of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this S.H.I.E.L.D. director ties together Earth's mightiest heroes in their fight against evil. In bo...
"Fortunate Son" is a blast at rich folks who plan wars and then draft poor people to fight them.Fogertywrote it out of disgust at the fancy wedding plans of Richard Nixon's daughter. "You just had the feeling that none of these people were going to be too involved with the war," he...
Gaming has been a popular form of entertainment for several decades, and it’s thanks to the incredible characters that we’ve been able to experience the worlds of our favourite games. From iconic heroes to villainous foes, these characters have captured the hearts and minds of gamers worldwid...
Read the full-text online edition of Bravest: How Some of Australia's Greatest War Heroes Won Their Medals (2011).Robert Macklin
The city itself appears as an almost mythically gritty character in the film; its heroes are the young black and Latino kids trying to create their own identity while giving the drab urban spaces color and life; its villain is mayor Ed Koch, glibly patting himself on the back not giving ...
Fuel Economy: Among the least-glamorous driving songs of all time, “Six Days” doesn’t celebrate the road so much as present it as an obstacle course, full of pratfalls to be avoided and short cuts to be taken if you know the lay of the land well enough — a wearying life, but ...
Songs, released in 1976, encompasses an incredible range of life experiences – from the giddy joy of a baby in the bathtub (“Isn’t She Lovely,” featuring the cries and giggles of Wonder’s infant daughter Aisha Morris) through tributes to his musical heroes (“Sir Duke”) to dismay ...
advertisement Custom, high-quality map designs. Get yours today Few have better expressed the tumultuous rise and fall of civilizations better than the great Epic poets of ancient and modern times. By combining elevated language with war, betrayal, roman
Now the fate of the country depends entirely on our army, on our heroes, our security forces, all our defenders. And on our people, your wisdom and the great support of all friends of our country. Glory to Ukraine! —Volodymyr Zelenskyy ...