SELECT GREATEST('MySQL', 'MS ACCESS', 'SQL') AS GreatestValue_String; 輸出: GreatestValue_String SQL 示例3:當值為NULL時,使用GREATEST()函數在給定數字之間查找最大數。 SELECT GREATEST(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, NULL) AS Greatest_Value; 輸出: Greatest_Value NULL 示例4:GREATEST函數還可用於查找列...
In SQL Server we can use: Copy SELECT MAX(GreatestVal) FROM (VALUES('6.62'), (3.1415), (N'7') )T(GreatestVal) GO By the way, the power of developing a built-in function like GREATEST is that it can implement complex algorithm to find the greatest expressions or even multiple...
SQL函数GREATEST oracle的nvl函数的用法 通过查询获得某个字段的合计值,如果这个值位null将给出一个预设的默认值 select nvl(sum(t.dwxhl),1) from tb_jhde t where zydm=-1 这里关心的nvl的用法,nvl(arg,value)代表如果前面的arg的值为null那么返回的值为后面的value 如: NVL(a,b)就是判断a是否是NULL...
SQL函数GREATEST oracle的nvl函数的用法 通过查询获得某个字段的合计值,如果这个值位null将给出一个预设的默认值 select nvl(sum(t.dwxhl),1) from tb_jhde t where zydm=-1 这里关心的nvl的用法,nvl(arg,value)代表如果前面的arg的值为null那么返回的值为后面的value 如: NVL(a,b)就是判断a是否是NUL...
使用`greatest` 函数的一般语法如下: ``` greatest(value1, value2, ...) ``` 其中 `value1, value2, ...` 是要比较的值,可以是数字、日期或 字符串。 具体使用方法取决于所使用的编程语言。以下是几种常见编程 语言中 `greatest` 函数的使用示例: - 在 SQL 中,可以使用 `greatest` 函数来比较数字...
GREATEST(value1,value2,...) Description With two or more arguments, returns the largest (maximum-valued) argument. The arguments are compared using the same rules as for LEAST(). Examples SELECT GREATEST(2,0); +---+ | GREATEST(2,0) | +---+ | 2 | +---+ SELECT GREATEST(34.0...
This function is used to return the greatest value in a list of values.The return value is of the DOUBLE type.If the value of a is NULL, NULL is returned.The value 4.0 is
The GREATEST function returns the maximum value in a set of values. GREATEST( expression, expression) The GREATEST function is identical to the MAX scalar function. For more information, seeMAX scalar function. Parent topic:Scalar functions...
The following statement selects the string with the greatest value: SELECT GREATEST('HARRY', 'HARRIOT', 'HAROLD') "Greatest" FROM DUAL; Greatest --- HARRY In the following statement, the first argument is numeric. Oracle Database determines that the argument with the highest numeric precedence...
This logic can quickly become unwieldy if you have many columns to compare. Now, with the new functions in SQL Server 2022, this task becomes much simpler. Using LEAST and GREATEST The same example uses LEAST and GREATEST. SELECTLEAST(Column1,Column2,Column3)ASSmallestValue,GREATEST(Column1,...