It was in these roles that Poe began to make his mark, developing a new style of short story writing and laying the foundation for detective fiction. His most famous works, including "The Raven," "The Tell-Tale Heart," and "The Fall of the House of Usher," are still widely read and...
This short anime won multiple awards, opening the door to his future career. After Shinkai got backing for another project from Manga Zoo, he quit his job working for video game company Falcom, and began working in anime full time. His work tends to focus on couples who, for supernatural...
Hercule Poirot in her crime novel in 1920.In totalshe wrote 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections,a billion copies of which have beensold in English.Her books have been translated into many different languages,including Chinese.Each story she wrote involved a mystery that had to ...
Harlan Ellison is one of the most honored and respected short story writers of all time. In their e-bookHow to Write and Sell Short Stories, Harlan and Lisa teach you the craft of writing short fiction and also how to sell your stories and get them published … for only $29. That’s...
摘要: Reviews the book "Epitome of Desire: The Story of the Nashers of Texas and One of the World's Greatest Sculpture Collections Created by Their Passion and Obsession for the Best," by Robert A. Wilson.年份: 2005 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
The 10 Most Bizarre and Unlikely Works of Modern Art What Should I Know About Artist Willem de Kooning? Artists Who Vandalized Art to Create a New Work of Art 18 of the Greatest Religious Leaders in History
(Short Story Writer & Essayist Best Known for His Books 'Ficciones' & 'El Aleph') Birthdate: August 24, 1899 Sun Sign: Virgo Birthplace: Buenos Aires, Argentina Died: June 14, 1986 Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine essayist, poet, short-story writer, and translator. An important figur...
In his relatively short life, Schubert composed prolifically, producing over 600 songs, and around eight (we say ‘around’ as there were some unfinished ones, with up to thirteen in all) great symphonies. Schubert's Unfinished Symphony – finished by AI ...
【题目】Agatha Christie was one of the greatest British crime writers. She introduced the public to her literary character, the famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot in her crime novel in 1920. In total she wrote 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, a billion copies of which...
“Talk” teases us with the story of two men trying to seduce women on the dance floor. JT and Timbaland go back and forth, begging their partners to go “do what we’re supposed to do.” But before we know if the ladies took the bait, “Talk” fades into “My Love,” leaving...