pp", where pp is the index of the maximum element in the array. You can ask no more than 20 queries. Printing the answer doesn't count as a query. After printing a query do not forget to output end of line and flush the output. Otherwise, you will get Idleness limit exceeded. To...
Write a Scala program to replace every element with the next greatest element (from right side) in a given array of integers. There is no element next to the last element, therefore replace it with -1. Sample Solution: Scala Code: objectScala_Array{deftest(arr_nums:Array[Int]):Array[Int...
C++ program to Find Nearest Greatest Neighbours of each element in an array#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void print(int* a,int n){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } void replace(int* a,int n){ int i=0; stack<int> s; //craeting ...
After initializing the freq array, we perform two queries. In each query, we calculate the count of characters in the range [L, R] by subtracting the counts of the characters up to index L-1 from the counts to index R. We then iterate through the character frequencies from 0 ...
How to use Queue Interface in Java? Example Tutorial How to Convert Date to LocalDate in Java 8 - Examp... How to Search an Element in Java Array with Exampl... [Solved] How to Find Repeated Characters in a give... [Solved] How to solve a coin change problem in Jav... ...
With their definitive second album, Premiata Forneria Marconi pushed Italian prog into the international spotlight. Like fellow countrymen Banco, the band approached the popular British symphonic style with a Romantic flair, Mauro Pagani's flute and violin adding an ethereal element to the simmering ti...
And so she conspired with Interscope head Jimmy Iovine and manager Troy Carter to off Reed. The theory suggests that he was injected with the poisonous element polonium while recovering from surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. This is the kind of conspiracy that comes with no proof, except for a...
Floor and ceil of an element in an array using C++ Two Elements whose sum is closest to zero Find a pair with a given difference Count number of occurrences in a sorted array Find a Fixed Point in a given array Find the maximum element in an array which is first increasi...