A hitman with a flair for biblical recitations, this iconic character from Quentin Tarantino's 1994 film, Pulp Fiction, undergoes a drastic transformation after surviving imminent death. His newfound spirituality leads him to quit the world of crime, but not before dispensing hi...
Life of Brian is a Monty Python production dating back to 1979 of a hapless man mistaken as a Messiah. The movie was a satirical comedy of biblical proportions and, since the topic was religion, was summarily misunderstood by the public. Banned in several countries for blasphemy and such, ...
with two members sporting Biblical-length beards, were destined to become early music-video MVPs. A red 1933 Ford coupe and a silver set of keys would change all of that. The first ofa series of videos featuring ZZ Topas mystical guardian angels, ever-ready to transform wallflowers...
It is a ska and reggae song that reflects Dekker's experience as a poor and oppressed Jamaican, comparing himself to the biblical Israelites. It was sung in Jamaican creole, which made it hard for many listeners outside Jamaica to understand the lyrics at the time. But that didn't stop ...
There’s Myka’s show-stopping evocation of Biblical apocalypse on “7th Seal,” Sumbi’s “Sunshine Men” treatise on corporate sellouts, and Aceyalone’s twisty, flowing “My Fantasy.” However, the group unites for “We Will Not Tolerate,” a chant against white supremacy set over the...
So without further ado, here are the top 10 greatest animated movies of all time. 10. Ghost in the Shell (1995) By Samuel Lim We’re kicking off this list with an anime film. Believe me when I say that this choice was not an easy one to make simply because there’s just so much...
Let’s take a look back at 20 of his greatest movies, ranked worst to best.Born in 1881, DeMille made his directorial debut with “The Squaw Man” (1914), a story he remade in 1918 and 1931. He made dozens of silent films, including the ambitious biblical stories “The Ten ...
Even when, like other biblical epics, Greatest Story strays jarringly from the biblical text, it often feels less like the contemporary revisionism or speculation of other films than like the strange alternate vision of an apocryphal gospel. The conflation of Lazarus with the rich young man is ...
"The Greatest Story Ever Told" was one of two Hollywood epics from the sixties about the life of Christ, the other being "King of Kings" from 1961. The story is, of course, one of the most familiar ever told, although there are one or two curious discrepancies from the Biblical account...
To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement. - St. Augustine