Lupo worked on the Universal Television lot in the same era as Cannell, the prolific showrunner behind “The Rockford Files” and “Baretta.” Lupo wrote several episodes of Cannell’s ABC dramedy “The Greatest American Hero.”Lupo and Cannell then co-created “The A-Team,” the action-...
Following a recurring role on the medical drama series "ER" (NBC, 1994-2009), Vance became a regular on the much-touted high-concept drama "FlashForward" (NBC, 2009-2010), but the show was cancelled after one season, giving him a window to appear on episodes of "The Closer" (TNT...
while the first two seasons see clunkers outweighing memorable episodes),The Next Generationgrew into itself – fittingly, just as the crew's uniforms
Martin’s best-selling novels, series composer Ramin Djawadi - also behind the music of blockbusters like Iron Man, Pacific Rim, and the HBO series Westworld - had already finished scoring several episodes of the show’s first season before he got to work on the series’ overall theme suite...
Their age is one of the best and most hopeful episodes in the life of mankind. — Isaiah Berlin 19 Future Of Mankind Quotes Nothing will stop us. The road to the stars is steep and dangerous. But we're not afraid . . . Space flights can't be stopped. This isn't the work of ...
As Loreen Horvath, mother of Lena Dunham’s Hannah onGirls,Baker is a much different kind of mom. She’s blunt and sometimes self-involved (like mother, like daughter). In one of the final episodes, “Gummies,” Baker is onscreen for just a handful of minutes. But as a woman now sp...
(Leslie William Morrison). Many covers have followed, but Cash’s version, recorded with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for the Man in Black’s 1996Unchainedalbum, is the one that’s ingrained in 21st century pop culture — thanks to its use in episodes ofThe SimpsonsandFamily Guy, a...
The longtime fan of Asian cinema presented Yuen Wo Ping's Iron Monkey to American audiences in 2001 and Zhang Yimou's Hero in 2004. Tarantino's latest film Inglorious Bastards, starring Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger, Mélanie Laurent, Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Christoph Waltz and Christopher ...
In one of the film’s most achingly lovely scenes, a landowner named Puck laments the loss of the River Po and the natural beauty around him, provoking the ire of the young hero, who recognizes in this man many of the contradictions of his class. Bertolucci, not unlike Sergio Leone, ...
ive only seen a few episodes and its pretty funny Added 12 years ago by guest, 9 points ITS COMING BACK ON 2013!!! Added 12 years ago by guest, 16 points Top 3 favorite tv series of all time. Added 13 years ago by guest, 14 points Been my favorite show since Season 1, Epi...