Carole Cloudwalker
3600km 2 forested site in the Greater Yellowstone Area, we demonstrate the creation of meaningful, spatially coherent topo-climatic classes through a fuzzy k -means classification of topo-climatic data derived from 100m gridded digital elevation models ( DEMs ); these classes were successfully ...
Integrated Geoscience Studies in the Greater Yellowstone Area—Volcanic, Tectonic, and Hydrothermal Processes in the Yellowstone Geoecosystem In 2001, the USGS in cooperation with the National Park Service (Yellowstone National Park) and the University of Utah established the Yellowstone Volcano ... LA...
Bison (Bison bison) of the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) are perhaps best known to the scientific community from the classic study of Meagher (1973) that reviewed their ecological status and management from the time of establishment of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 through the last National ...
We used a geographic information system (GIS) and FRAGSTATS to calculate key landscape metrics on two 130,000-ha landscapes in the Greater Yellowstone Area, USA: one in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), which has been primarily shaped by natural fires, and a second in the adjacent Targhee ...
Check out our interactive map and begin planning a memorable fly fishing adventure. Thank you for visiting Greater Yellowstone Flyfishing Outfitters. We look forward to planning your next great fly fishing adventure in Montana, Wyoming, or Yellowstone!Get Started...
we tested the support vector machine algorithm in separating forest disturbance types, including wildfires, harvests, and other disturbance types (a generalized disturbance class, including insect disease outbreak, tornado, snow damage, and drought-induced mortality) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (...
2. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem The area of the GYE, sometimes called Greater Yellowstone Area, was first delineated by Craighead (1977) as representing continuous essential habitat for the grizzly bear. Since then, documentation of the size of the GYE varies, based on the source: 7.3 milli...
In the well-studied Obsidian Pool in the Mud Volcano Area, Yellowstone National Park, the United States, pH variation was correlated to temporal variation in bacterial abundance20. Collectively, these past studies have shown that temporal changes in geo- chemical conditions of hot springs could ...
Perhaps one could argue that the possibility of seeing a Grizzly increases tourism and tourism revenue to Yellowstone National Park. However, the Grizzly is likely to be an exception. The Florida Panther is an elusive big cat, rarely seen and certainly, it would be difficult to argue the ...