Pogson, T HLindstedt, S Mand S.M. Lindstedt. 1988. Abundance, distribution and habitat of Central Valley population greater sandhill cranes during winter. Unpublished report. Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.
Sandhill crane 1966–1994; from adjacent meadows and wetlands Kildeer 1966–1994; from adjacent river banks Violet-green swallow 1966–1994; from adjacent lodgepole pines Black-billed magpie 1966–1994; from adjacent willows and aspens American crow 1966–1994; from meadows and rangeland Mountain ...
Nest success in our study (32.3%, SE = 8.3%) was the lowest reported for sandhill cranes. Managers should encourage landowners to conserve wet-meadow habitat containing tall vegetation to enhance nest success of sandhill cranes. Areas with low-density nesting pairs may be particularly important ...