密歇根州底特律,一个女人在天恩大教堂(Greater Grace Temple)为汽车工业的存活祈祷。 密歇根州底特律,底特律雄狮队 …ca.dadi360.com|基于13个网页 2. 底特律天恩大教堂 自从埃利斯接手以来,帮助把这个宗派带入了21世纪。他在底特律天恩大教堂(Greater Grace Temple)的讲道每天在The WO…chinese.christianpost.com|基于...
Sunday at Greater Grace Temple in Detroit. A funeral for family and members of the Detroit Police Department will be held Monday morning before Courts is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery. "A lot of people are mourning. and I’m not sure that there’s a cookie cut phrase that’s going to ...
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