「Greater China Club 大公館」位於西九龍創意地標 D2 Place 一期,致力為各品味之士提供一個既舒適又不失優雅的休閒之所。 我們以星級料理最引以為傲,由屢獲殊榮的烹飪團隊率領,以當代烹調手法為傳統粵菜賦予全新形象。由高質素的巧手點心,廣東菜式及手工火鍋等中菜皆一
杜克大学富卡商学院Greater China Club(简称GCC)旨在为来自大中华区和亚洲的国际学生提供帮助,搭建文化交流的桥梁与平台,践行Team Fuqua精神。 在每一届GCC Cabinet的传承和努力下,GCC通过丰富的活动、热心的关怀与专业的指导为大中华区的同学提供了从学习、生活到...
Welcome to Greater China Club Our Purpse GCC seeks to create more opportunities for its members to grow as future business leaders through active engagement with business communities connected with the Greater China region About Us The Greater China Club (GCC) aims to build a supportive and ...
Photo: Greater China Club 大公館 From Review : 大公館 萬慶軒 。 精彩6月 of Greater China Club Greater China Club 73 reviews #763 of 13463 restaurants in Hong Kong Shop A, 10/F, Kin Yip Plaza, D2 Place, No.9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong China ...
The Greater China Business Club (GCBC) at Johnson is a student organization that brings together members in the Cornell Johnson community sharing or interested in Chinese culture. Johnson GCBC is committed to encouraging culture sharing, supporting its members to navigate the school life and recruiting...
由屢獲殊榮的行政總廚陳偉庭師傅主理的精品火鍋品牌「大公別館」,以嶄新創意鍋物打造精緻手工火鍋體驗。廚藝團隊搜羅自世界各地的優質食材,配合專業團隊教人賓至如歸的服務,為一眾美食愛好者送上最窩心的火鍋盛宴。 別館火鍋菜單 「火焰酒香薑蔥鵝鍋」以順德名菜「火焰燜鵝」為靈感創作,以熊熊火光為皮脆肉滑的...
From Review : 炸野香脆,服務好,價錢偏貴 of Greater China Club Greater China Club 72 reviews #762 of 13414 restaurants in Hong Kong Shop A, 10/F, Kin Yip Plaza, D2 Place, No.9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong China ...
If you’re in Lai Chi Kok, make sure to pay the Greater China Club Annex a visit. The esteemed Chinese restaurant has created eight premium soup bases for hotpot enthusiasts to enjoy, including the Buddha Temptation that’s made with abalone, fish maw, and sea cucumber; fish maw and chick...
Greater China Club is celebrating its 4th anniversary atop Lai Chi Kok dining destination D2 Place inviting legendary celebrity Chef Lin Chao-Dai to showcase the exquisite cuisine of Shunde’s ‘Land of Fish and Rice’. The exceptional guest chef promotion is at the Club’s classic Chinese di...
GREATER CHINA CLUB MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION LIMITED was formed on 2008-06-25 in Hong Kong Save Profile FORMATION DETAILS Registration Number: 1250698 Type: Company limited by guarantee Status: Dissolved Date of Formation: 2008-06-25 Expiry Date: 2013-09-13 Name History: GREATER CHINA CLUB MANAGERS'...