Austin ReedBlackwell Science Ltd.Journal of Applied EcologyMenu, S., G. Gauthier, and A. Reed. 2002. Changes in survival rates and population dynamics of greater snow geese over a 30-year period: Implications for hunting regulations. Journal of Applied Ecology 39: 91-102....
Survey on behavioral health, headache-related disability answered by 8,006 persons aged 6 to 17. Those with anxiety, depression or both reported higher headache-related disability compared with those without. AUSTIN, Texas – Children and adolescents diagnosed with anxiety, depression or both had gr...
Anatomy of bat genital organs has been studied mainly by gross and microscopic observations to date. However, these inevitably disrupt the intact three-dimensional structure, making it difficult to compare the subtle and overlooked anatomical differences among species. The accessory genital glands, in p...
The size of the greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlantica) population has been monitored since 1965 by means of an aerial photographic survey conducted every spring in southern Quebec, Canada. As the population increased, the estimation of its size evolved from total counts of the birds on...
AustinDépartementReedDépartementArnaudDépartementBéchetDépartementLucDépartementBélangerDépartementingentaconnectGlobal Change BiologyGauthier, G., Giroux, J. F., Reed, A., Bechet, A. & Belanger, L. 2005 Interactions between land use, habitat use, and population increase in greater snow geese: ...
Effects native species have on invasive pythons, especially in the juvenile size class, are of particular interest as the prevalence of mortalities would inform potential population growth and trophic dynamics with native prey species. Native ophiophagous predators in Florida f...
Myotis myotis is in the IUCN status of least concern, but there have been recent population declines in some areas, and it is extirpated in some places in Northwestern Europe. For these reasons, the species is listed in Annex II of the European Union Habitat Directive and requires special ...
Our findings contribute to the growing body of nature and health research during the COVID-19 pandemic in three important ways. First, we examined the role of nature in children’s well-being during the pandemic, a population that has received less attention relative to adults. Specifically, we...