‘The Great British Baking Show: Holidays’ Sees One Baker Completely Crumble Under Pressure: “I’ve Lost the Will To Live” ByMeghan O'KeefeDec. 10, 2024, 8:30 a.m. ET George Aristidou kept offering up the most meme-able breakdowns we've seen in years. ...
Work on the problem progressed slowly as other mathematicians proved the conjecture true for n = 5, n = 7, and other particular values of n. It can be shown that if the conjecture is true for some integer k, then it is true for any multiple of k. Hence, it suffices to consider on...
Satoshi Nakamoto Employee Says His Bitcoin Fork, Zcash, Should Become Proof of Stake and Reduce Its Carbon Footprint “Both datasets went up by an order of magnitude every two years. If they stayed that way, that would bring bitcoin to $700,000 when everyone with a smartphone uses it. Ten...
a scene from the great hack . netflix the most compelling moments come when kaiser seems suddenly to understand that influencing voter behavior based on data tracking and psychology is not a morally neutral act. we watch as she finds troves of information on her work computer, information that...
Private trading would be simple to set up because of the small number of participants. What Ethereum is not yet ready for is the speed at which electronic oil markets, like the crude futures traded at the New York Mercantile Exchange in New York, work. Yet OPEC production cuts or gains ...
“income gap”. It’s why they feel guilty over their material success. It’s why they feel resentment over those who gain even greater material success. It’s why they accept wealth-redistribution schemes which they fully understand leads to disincentive to work. It’s why they accept ...
I had always been the most proud employee. And always a very happy consumer. But an actual patient, and an oncology patient at that? I didn’t see that coming. What I have learned these last five years… is that life is unpredictable. ...
Immutability has become a nebulous word that basically means many different things to everyone. In practice, the only thing that is “immutable” on any blockchain is the digital signature — it is a one-way hash. All something like proof-of-work or proof-of-stake does are decide who gets...
I worked on this full time for the last 6 months after spending nearly 40 years in my walk with God and I can’t even begin to estimate the number of hours other contributors to this work have put into it. This effort is a labor of love for God’s, specifically Christ Jesus’ or ...