GREAT WHITE FLEET…WE MAKE IT PERSONAL News NEWS GWF NEWS Read More ROUTES & SCHEDULES Fixed Weekly Sailings Serving Central America form the United States and Europe, we are here to handle your cargo needs. Read More Equipment Eco-friendly Refrigerated Equipment ...
The Great White Fleet Sails Today? Twenty-First-Century Logistics Lessons from the 1907–1909 Voyage of the Great White FleetThe logistics backstory of the fleet's voyage demonstrates the critical importance of strategic sealift and the ultimate vulnerability of any force that is dependent on ...
提到美国海军的发展史,大白舰队(the great white fleet)就一定会提及,美国海军的一次炫耀式环球航行。从1907年12月16日至1909年2月22日,在马汉海权理论指导下的美国海军,在总统西奥多.罗斯福的检阅下,大西洋舰队的18艘BB、7艘雷击舰(驱逐舰的前身)和5艘辅助舰(2艘补给舰、1艘维修舰、1艘游...
网络大白舰队;白色舰队;白色大舰队 网络释义
绝对属于强大的海上力量,那次环球航行就是美国人在赤裸裸的炫耀自己的国力- - 16艘战列舰 总吨位223836吨 不如无畏舰 因为所有战舰均涂装成白色,所以得名(一般战舰涂装为灰色)
Its passenger and freight vessels could be found on the Great Lakes as far west as Duluth, Minnesota, and as far east as the Lower St. Lawrence River. The passenger steamers were known collectively as the Great White Fleet. These ships -- from day-excur... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ...
The Great White Fleet refers to a large force of American battleships that circumnavigated the globe between December 16, 1907 and February 22, 1909. Conceived by President Theodore Roosevelt, the fleet's cruise was intended to demonstrate that the United States could project naval power anywhere...
被引量: 0发表: 2011年 For sale: Chiquita's Great White Fleet. The article reports that Chiquita Brands Inc. has placed its 12-vessel, Great White Fleet, up for auction. The shipping line uses the ship in transporting ... Nall,Stephanie - 《Florida Shipper》 被引量: 0发表: 2006年 ...
Navy's Great White Fleet in Humboldt County, California in May 1908 during its circumnavigation of the world. An overview of the U.S. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt's role in the Great White Fleet's voyage, including his desire to have U.S. sailors represent the country, is ...
作者/来源:Bollenbacher-Berge Collection/Getty CreativeID:VCG421232-36标题:1939年,宽拍渡轮在哈德逊河上行驶,路过Chiquita Great White Fleet的标志,前联合水果公司,沿着下曼哈顿滨水/曼哈顿,纽约市,美国许可:RR品牌:Archive Films: Creative镜头时长:00:04第三方权利说明:未取得肖像权或物权授权最终交付:QuickTime ...