!” Urban and Pink. “One Too Many” is just a lot of fun in a playful, singalong kind of way, and neither Urban nor Pink try to take it too seriously, which is appreciated among the more faux-profound country on this chart (also, how did it take the universe this long ...
Xapo, a Bitcoin wallet and vault, has officially launched Posted on March 14, 2014 Wence Casares (who I interviewed for Chapter 2 in GCON) announced today that his team has officially launched Xapo, a Bitcoin wallet and vault. I have tried it out and can attest that the sign-up proce...
Furthermore, according to the description on Blockchain.info’s site, “A chart showing the total number of bitcoin transactions per day excluding those part of long chain transaction chains. There are many legitimate reasons to create long transaction chains however they may also be caused by co...
Part 1: Bitcoin Someone recently asked for me to explain the math behind some of Bitcoin’s electricity consumption, below is simple model using publicly known numbers: the current Bitcoinnetwork hashrateis around 50 exahashes/sec the most common mining hardware is still theS9 Antminerwhich chur...
-reported numbers comprise between 3-5% of the total transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. However, as Jonathan Levin, has pointed out, it is not clear from these numbers alone are or what they refer to: Coinbase user to user, user to merchant, and possible user wallet to user vault?
Above is achartcovering the past year from Coinbase which illustrates the daily off-chain transaction volume, the transactions that take place within the Coinbase database. While it is unclear if all of this activity represents merchant processing, vault movements, etc., the trend over the year...