doi:10.1002/vetr.4735Fogle, BruceVeterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association
Just when I thought my daughter would never read anything except young adult novels, she informed me, “I am so over YA.” I wanted to make sure that she wasn’t over reading, so I set out to find some adult books that she would find as compelling as her YA favorites. With the ...
Some elite universities attachgreatimportance to building up the first-generation student's self-confidence. 出自-2015年12月阅读原文 It is thegreatestthreat to social stability. 出自-2015年12月阅读原文 If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to und...
It’s not: if you really want to improve yourself then it’s no good to just read self-improvement – you need to live it. Thus, to help you benefit from the lessons in those self-help books that apply directly to productivity for bloggers, while saving you the...
我自己的真相Godstuthaboutmyself. 我是中西部个有钱人家的儿子IamthesonofsomeverywealthypeoplefromtheMiddle West. 可惜的是他们都死了Sadly,allofthemaredeadnow. 我在美国长大sughtupanAmerican Iwabro 但在牛津念的书buteducatedatOxfordbecauseallmy
Unfortunately, it also received a ton of negative reviews. Due to the sheer volume of complaints from people who were disappointed —and in some cases “furious”— I feel obligated to mention it as a disclaimer: This book is not a self help book on improving memory. It’s not a guide...
are needed. A great teacher is the first to help a family of a student in need in any way they can. They advocate for the students when necessary. They look out for each student’s best interest. They do what it takes to ensure that each student is safe, healthy, clothed, and fed...
If that sounds like Agatha’s talking to you, check out our list of the best Agatha Christie books to choose your next readhere. 20. Gloria Steinem’s groundbreaking stand In her memoirMy Life on the Road, feminist author Gloria Steinem took the opportunity to thank an important figure in...
Autodidacticism: How to Become a Self-Learner Tech Trends to Make the Internet a Safe Place 7 Tips To Help Children Develop A Positive Attitude Single Parent’s Guide with a Child Who is Being Bullied How Writing Skills Can Help Kids Master a New Language ...
For authors of self-help guides, no human problem is too great or too small. Want to become fitter, richer or happier in 2017? There are books for it— 1 upon shelves of them. Hoping for increased efficiency, decisiveness and creativity in the months ahead? There are titles for that, ...