The microbial ecology of the Great Salt Lake, ArtículoThe Great Salt Lake is actually two lakes. A highly saline (330-gml(-1)) northern arm and a moderately saline (120-gml(-1)) southern arm separated by a semipermeable rock causeway. The lake, particularly the northern arm, has a ...
Brine shrimp ecology in the Great Salt Lake, Utah. June 1994–May 1995 performance report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City, Utah: 83 pp.Wurtsbaugh, W. A., 1995. Brine shrimp ecology in the Great Salt Lake, Utah. 1995 performance report to the Utah Division of...
Environmental science Winter waterbird ecology on the Great Salt LakeUtahand interactions with commercial harvest of brine shrimp cysts UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Michael Conover RobertsAnthony JInteractions among commercial fisheries and birds have been studied in open ocean ecosystems and at aquaculture ...
Brock TD (1975) Salinity and the ecology of Dunaliella from Great Salt Lake. J Gen Microbiol 89:285-292Brock T D. 1975. Salinity and the ecology of dunaliella from Great Salt Lake. J. Gen. Microbiol., 89: 285-292.Brock T D.Salinity and the ecology of...
EcologyDisease vectorsAnimalsDesertsMammalsBirdsParasitesVirus diseasesAn extensive ecological and epizoological survey of endemic diseases was conducted in the Great Salt Lake Desert region. Native mammals, birds, and livestock were tested for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q fever, Tularemia, Brucella, ...
J. 2013b . Winter waterbird ecology on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, and interactions with commercial harvest of brine shrimp cysts. Ph.D. Dissertation, Utah State University , Logan .Roberts, A. J. 2013b. Winter waterbird ecology on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, and interactions with com- ...
My objective for this research was to study the impacts of prey availability on the staging ecology of these species. In Chapter 2, I examined the use of GSL habitats by both species of phalaropes. In the high-salinity bays of GSL, phalaropes were most strongly associated with shallow ...
Collins, N. 1980. Population ecology of Ephydra cinerea Jones (Diptera, Ephydridae), the only benthic metazoan of the Great Salt Lake, USA, USA. Hydrobiologia 68:99‐112.Collins, N. 1980. Population ecology of Ephydra cinerea Jones (Diptera:...
"Cascading effects of the invertebrate predator Trichocorixa verticalis on the ecology of the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA)." Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 24(1), p. 431doi:10.1080/03680770.1989.11898775Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh...
I studied the breeding ecology of snowy plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus) at Great Salt Lake, Utah, from 1990 to 1993. Plovers began arriving in late March, nests were initiated from mid April to mid July, and most adults departed by late August. Both sexes shared incubation duties, but ...