Great Salt Lake DesertAlso found in: Wikipedia. Great′ Salt` Lake′ Des′ert n. an arid region in NW Utah, extending W from the Great Salt Lake to the Nevada border. 110 mi. (177 km) long; ab. 4000 sq. mi. (10,360 sq. km). Random House Kernerman Webster's College ...
Josef Muench
大盐湖沙漠 基础信息 词语大盐湖沙漠 繁体大鹽湖沙漠 拼音dà yán hú shā mò 怎么读 英语Great Salt Lake Desert 【大盐湖沙漠】在哪里 地名。位于美国犹他州西北部,大盐湖城以西。为一低平的乾燥地区,面积约一万平方公里。 来源:-- 词典修订版
Parallel to the west side of the Great Salt Lake is the Salt Lake Desert, which is a large drylake in Northern Utah that lies between the Great Salt Lake and the Nevada border. It is well-known for its white sand salt from the evaporating Lake Bonneville. It is also home to some sma...
Great Slave Lake- a lake in the Northwest Territories in northwestern Canada; drained by the Mackenzie River Northwest Territories- a large territory in northwestern Canada; part is now Nunavut Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah. A vast and desolate area, looking like snow-covered ground, that was once underwater in ancient Lake Bonneville. Near here, on cement-smooth salt fl...
The lake’s basin is defined by the foothills of the snow-capped Wasatch Range, to the east, and by the Great Salt Lake Desert, a remnant of the bed of Lake Bonneville, to the west. This part of the desert is known as the Bonneville Salt Flats and is used as an automobile raceway...
Lake Bonneville, the prehistoric ancestor of the Great Salt Lake, covered much of Utah, leaving behind the Bonneville Salt Flats. Likewise Lake Lahontan extended across much of northwestern Nevada and neighboring states, leaving behind such remnants as the Black Rock Desert, Carson Sink, Humboldt ...
Great Salt Lake Great Salt Lake Desert Great Sandy Desert great saphenous vein Great Sark Great Satan Great scale Great Schism Great sea great seal Great Seal of the United States great skua Great Slave Lake Great Slave River Great Smoky Mountains Great Smoky Mountains National Park great snipe ...
Great Salt Lake Desert Great Sandy Desert great saphenous vein Great Sark Great Satan Great scale Great Schism Great sea great seal Great Seal of the United States great skua Great Slave Lake Great Slave River Great Smoky Mountains Great Smoky Mountains National Park great snipe Great Society great...