The strike began in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on July 16, 1877, after workers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad were informed that their pay would be cut 10 percent. Workers grumbled about the loss of income in small groups, and by the end of the day railroad firemen began walking off...
Alter II The Great Southwest Railroad Strike and Free Labor . By Theresa A. Case. (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2010. Pp. 292. Map, illustrations, notes, index. ISBN 9781603441704, $40.00 cloth.) On the surface, Theresa Case's The Great Southwest Railroad Strike and Free...
Railroad workers and the great strike of 1877: The view from a small Midwest citydoi:10.1080/00236568008584596Nick SalvatoreAsst. Prof. of HistoryLabor HistoryNick Salvatore, "Railroad Workers and the Great Strike of 1877, "Labor History 21, no. 4 (Fall 1980): 525. Business Source Premier, ...
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was the United States's first major rail strike. It showed how reliant the nation's economy had become on the railroad, and was quickly put down with help from the federal government.Answer and Explanation: ...
The scene depicts the West Side’s infamous “Death Avenue,” where New York Central Railroad freight trains mixed with a jumble of automobiles, wagons and pedestrians amid factories and warehouses. Beginning in the 1850s “West Side Cowboys” rode in front of trains as a safety precaution. ...
When they encounter the farm on which Jesse, his brother, Frank (Henry Fonda) and their mother (Jane Darwell) reside and make their living, the railroad does what any self-respecting conglomerate would do– they take it, pay the owners a pittance and lay their rail without giving it ...
former Chicago and Great Western Railroad. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and horseback riders are all welcome on the trails. Guico hopes to get more people interested in the Carol Stream Bikes organization. “The whole goal is to get more people biking and walking to destinations, like getting ...
The vignette that follows is not included inThe Men Who Saved Baseballfor the very good reason that I wrote it after the book was assembled and submitted for publication! So for the moment, think of me as the guy at Costco standing there with some really expensive toothpicked cheese and con...
It was the summer again, and the train was almost to Manhattan. I took two Benadryl, which made me dreamy. When I got to the city, I transferred to the Long Island Railroad, and a second leg of the trip took me through the echoed halls of childhood. The bassinet motion of the doubl...
“They left as though they were fleeing some curse,” wrote the scholar Emmett J. Scott, an observer of the early years of the migration. “They were willing to make almost any sacrifice to obtain a railroad ticket and they left with the intention of staying.” ...