The strike began in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on July 16, 1877, after workers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad were informed that their pay would be cut 10 percent. Workers grumbled about the loss of income in small groups, and by the end of the day railroad firemen began walking off...
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 | History & Background from Chapter 8 / Lesson 6 10K Was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 successful? Learn about the causes and events of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. Read about the short-term and long-term impact of the strike. Related...
Railroad workers and the great strike of 1877: The view from a small Midwest citydoi:10.1080/00236568008584596Nick SalvatoreAsst. Prof. of HistoryLabor HistoryNick Salvatore, "Railroad Workers and the Great Strike of 1877, "Labor History 21, no. 4 (Fall 1980): 525. Business Source Premier, ...
What was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? What was the Indian Mutiny of 1857? What were some of the major historical events of 1861? What happened on May 5, 1862? What kind of epidemic was the cholera outbreak in 1840s? What was the Coal Strike of 1902?
On the surface, Theresa Case's The Great Southwest Railroad Strike and Free Labor could simply appear as a much needed and decades long overdue treatment of the 1886 Great Southwest Strike. Upon digging into this work, though, one finds a rich ideological examination of nineteenth-century ...
The scene depicts the West Side’s infamous “Death Avenue,” where New York Central Railroad freight trains mixed with a jumble of automobiles, wagons and pedestrians amid factories and warehouses. Beginning in the 1850s “West Side Cowboys” rode in front of trains as a safety precaution. ...
Dedicated to spreading the Good News of Basic and Applied Science at great research institutions world wide. Good science is a collaborative process. The rule here: Science Never Sleeps. Another rule here: Scientists "invent" nothing. Instead scientists "discover". Everything which is now fact ...
In connection with a railroad strike against the Taff Vale Company (1901), the House of Lords (the highest juridical instance) required that the trade unions make compensation for the losses caused by the strike. This essentially deprived trade unions of the right to participate in strikes. ...
It must also import 40% of its food suplies. Thus, its prosperity has been dependent upon the export of manufactured goods in exchange for raw materials and foodstuffs. Within the manufacturing sector, the largest industries include machine tools; electric power, automation, and railroad equipment;...
The Great Southwest Railroad Strike and Free Labor.A review of the book "The Great Southwest Railroad Strike and Free Labor," by Theresa A. Case is presented.ALTERUniversityofIIUniversityofTHOMASUniversityofE.UniversityofEBSCO_AspSouthwestern Historical Quarterly...