Also ranks #12 on The Most Memorable Romantic Comedy Movie Quotes 13 About Last Night Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Jim Belushi 18 votes A modern take on the classic romantic comedy, this film follows the evolving relationships of two couples as they navigate the challenges of love and commitment in...
The Great Gatsby: Directed by Jack Clayton. With Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Bruce Dern, Karen Black. A Midwesterner becomes fascinated with his nouveau riche neighbor, who obsesses over his lost love.
Black Panther Disney King T'Challa might be the star and main superhero ofBlack Panther, but let's face it: His mother, sister, and all of the Wakandan female warriors are such amazing examples of strong women who fight for what's right, it might as well be their movie. It was parti...
in understanding women: this may be traced to his bitter resentment against his mother, who had, he felt, failed disastrously at this time to appreciate his sufferings. She had wanted him to stay at work when his father’s release from prison and an improvement in the family’s fortunes ...
The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent: Directed by Roger Corman. With Abby Dalton, Susan Cabot, Bradford Jackson, June Kenney. A group of lonely Viking women build a ship and set off across the sea to locate
The Great Waltz: Directed by Julien Duvivier, Victor Fleming, Josef von Sternberg. With Luise Rainer, Fernand Gravey, Miliza Korjus, Hugh Herbert. In 1845 Vienna, Johann Strauss II (Fernand Gravey) - 'Jonahi' to his friends - would rather write and perfo
Great White: Directed by Martin Wilson. With Katrina Bowden, Aaron Jakubenko, Kimie Tsukakoshi, Tim Kano. A fun filled flight to a remote atoll turns into a nightmare for five passengers when their seaplane is destroyed in a freak accident and they are t
73. Superwomen "Superwomen find their voice by using it." -Maggie Georgopoulos, owner of MAGS Inspires Ltd I like this quote because I believe it sums it up beautifully. If you are quiet, you don’t get heard and you don’t get seen. Whether it is as a women climbing the corporate...
—Bob Black Work Quotes on “Work is …” “Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock.” —Pablo Picasso “Work is a necessary evil to be avoided.” —Mark Twain “Work is love made visible.” —Kahlil Gibram
The insane creep factor in Woman of the Hour was enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and her sharp social commentary on how women are treated in the entertainment industry is a much-needed wake-up call. TechRadar's senior entertainment writer Lucy Buglass revealed ...