Great Place to Work'sMirley Perezpointed out: "This shows the company's confidence in its corporate culture and in the attitude of all employees equally." In the recently publishedCompany as Communityreport, Great Place to Work studied the information of 53 countries. It was found that the se...
Attendees also will have the opportunity to judge the five finalists of the Great Place to Work®Video Contest, and by doing so witness the passion of these companies for building a great culture. Conference attendees also will benefit from a panel with senior Great Place to Work®consultants...
The Great Place to Work Institute, which ranks workplaces around the world, surveyed more than 3.3 million employees from 16 countries in Asia and the Middle East to assess their experiences of trust, innovation, company values and leadership. To qualify for the Best Workplace...
place in the music scene, amid bandmates who don't always take him seriously. It's a sad but insightful movie that explores how culture is worth protecting and valuing, in a world where it's easily taken and monetized, and the film truly comes to life in its amazing musical sequences....
Yuan, J - Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College 被引量: 10发表: 2000年 Great Power Stakes in Central Asia This monograph provides an analysis of the People's Republic of China's evaluation of multilateralism and its place in Chinese foreign relations in the Asi... R Legvold...
MaryJo MaynesandAnnWaltnerTextileWork,Gender,and the Female LifeCourseinEuropeandChinasincetheBeginningof the“Gr eatDivergence,”Eighteenthto EarlyTwentiethCenturiesIntroductionTherelationshipbetweenworkandlifecoursehasvariedenormously acrosstimeandspace,andit is always gendered.In thischapter,wewill focuson...
I also had a chance to sit down with a couple members of theIBM ADEPT‘Internet of Things’ team. They held a ~3 hour workshop which was attended by around 20 people. The session was led by Henning Diedrich (IBM), David Kravitz (IBM) and Patrick Deegan (Open Mustard Seed Project)....
When Lorenzo came across Michelangelo’s work, he was deeply impressed by the young artist’s talent. However, true to his character, Lorenzo teased Michelangelo, saying, “Surely you should have known that old folks never have all their teeth, and that some are always missing.” ...
Naming the professor/s whose work aligns with your own is critical. Think of this step as a way to situate yourself within a conversation that is currently taking place in your field, whether in person at academic conferences or in writing through journal articles, book reviews, and other pub...
According to Investigate Magazine’s Ian Wishart, “Gabrielle is being called a 1-in-250 event by the media and climate scientists because they don’t realise that there was an even bigger one 155 years ago.” In fact, of 22 major weather events that took place over a 22-year period ...