XM is beyond proud to announce that it has ranked second (2) in a list of Europe's top employers in 2022, in the 'Best Medium Workplaces' category, as awarded by the Great Place to Work(TM) Institute. To be recognised as a Great Place to Work(TM) by such a globally renowned in...
I believe that if I am to attain a 18 place in the world I must have the help of my fellow men just as the great transatlantic (远洋的) liners depend on the 19 of the little tugs to bring them safely to the 20 . 1. A. put B. push C. bring D. join 2. A. sa...
For the third year running, the Dow Chemical Company has been recognized as a Great Place to Work in KSA by Great Place to Work (GPTW). Additionally, the Company has also won the prestigiousTop Employers Institutecertification as a Top Employer in the Middle East and Africa for the ...
“He has been working under me for the last two months, and has always done his work extremely well, showing keenness and a desire to help to the utmost of his ability. He is a great loss to me, and his place will be difficult to fill. I am sure it will be a pleasure to you ...
opened in 2016. Both restaurants are no strangers to accolades and have been featured in numerous top of the city lists. In 2019, Paul opened Pizzeria Coperta serving scratch-made thin-crust pies. Later that year, Paul was the consulting chef for the New Belgium Brewery sports pub at Denver...
“Great Place to Work Certification™ isn’t something that comes easily – it takes ongoing dedication to the employee experience,” said Sarah Lewis-Kulin, vice president of global recognition at Great Place to Work. “It’s the only official recognition determined by e...
Once a critical mass of foreign talent was国人才成为美国学术殿堂的重要力量,in place in America’s halls of academe, those students in turn他们所贡献的智力进一步提升了美国contributed their brainpower to further advancing the United的学术声望。这种以人才流动为特点的States’ intellectual reputation—a ...
Public transport accessibility to urban and regional services has been found to relate to various social and economic processes, such as unemployment, transport mode choice, property prices, and public health. A frequent type of measures representing acc
The people in the survey, they have a range of different workplace policies. The ones that I think tend to be doing the best tend to have a flexible policy. So people want some autonomy over where they work. They want to be able to choose a place that ...
1992. 鈥Preparing for the Changing Workplace.鈥 Educational Leadership, 49(6):6鈥9. Google Scholar School Curriculum and Assessment Authority. 1995. Looking Forward: Careers Education and Guidance in the Curriculum. London: Author. Google Scholar The Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary ...