大洋路(Great Ocean Road)位于澳大利亚维多利亚州的南部,被誉为世界最美的沿海公路之一。它沿着海岸悬崖间蜿蜒伸展,一路都是空旷的海滩和高耸的断崖,壮丽景色令人惊叹。沿途散落着一些海滨城镇和渔村,还有...
Explore the World famous Great Ocean Road on overnight or day tours from Melbourne City. Take the ultimate selfie in front of the 12 Apostles today with Backpackers World Travel!
Explore our guide to the Great Ocean Road, Australia – one of the world’s most spectacular coastal drives, along the coast of Victoria & home to the 12 Apostles.
Wonderful 2 day tour on the great ocean road We thoroughly enjoyed our 2 day tour on the great Ocean Road! James is the perfect guide. Having driven on this route so frequently, he was able to provide little nuggets of information throughout the trip. The stops were so ...
Great Ocean Road + Phillip Island Over 3 days We were very happy with the services of great Ocean Road Explorer. I knew they would be good on the great Ocean Road, given that would seem to be their main market, but they still gave us an excellent to...
墨爾本(Melbourne)大南部觀光路線(Great Southern Touring Route)駕車之旅 - 澳洲旅遊局駕車遊歷大洋路(Great Ocean Road),戀上墨爾本(Melbourne)風情. 細細品味令人屏息的美景,將崢嶸聳立的崎嶇群峰和壯闊無朋的十二門徒石(12 Apostles)盡收眼底.Tourism Australia...
Road trip was on top of our priority things to do while in Australia. So we chose Melbourne as the first entrance point to Australia. Not only the city is one of world’s most livable place to live in, it is also the closest point to world famous scenic route, the Great Ocean Road...
Great Ocean Roadgives you the opportunity to see the iconic12 Apostles, get up close to native wildlife and take in iconic surf breaks, pristine rainforest and misty waterfalls. The 243-kilometre stretch of road that runs between Torquay and Allansford is actually the world’s largest war mem...
(2)Why did Dona' s Dad decide not to drive he Great Ocean Road himself?(3)How was Donna when she saw a big kangaroo along the route?(4)What has caused the gum tress such a bad state?(5) Where did Donna's family spend the night?(6 )What did Donna like and dislike about the ...
Of course, anEast Coast Australia routewill be much easier This could start in Melbourne and take in the Great Ocean Road before heading north to New South Wales, crossing into Queensland near Byron Bay and heading all the way up to Cairns. Friendly, organized and still exotic and diverse,...