“Another Irish feature in St Magnus’ is the chamber built above the vault. In Ireland such chambers arose when a relieving void was constructed beneath the stone roof, and were sometimes inhabited. The building as a whole is very similar to the church at Glendalough, County Wicklow, which ...
Their practice location was on the second floor in the Masonic Building in downtown El Dorado on the west side of the square. Granddad was the Worshipful Master of the Masonic lodge responsible for constructing the building in the 1930’s. As a young boy visiting my Pop’s and brother’s...
Tottenham Court Road station is a royal pain to get to these days, because it’s not served by the Northern Line. You can only get to it via the Central line, and that means lots of transfers. Ugh. Anyway, after I got the lens back, I stopped by a crepe shop called Crepeaffaire ...
northern native movements models mobile mere meat mail loan liquor linda lincoln lights legislation italian interference insurance humor functions fun fed fears expenses everywhere essentially engineering engaged discovery deny denied cuba creation cook considering congregation chamber brain bonds boards bills ...
While large floods are episodic, the 1927 Caernarvon crevasse illustrates their land-building potential can be much higher than current diversions that discharge less than 200 m3¨ s´1 [5]. Given relative sea level rise estimates for the northern Gulf of Mexico and coastal Louisiana of 5.5 ...