Years ago, when I was in grad school, I saw the philosopher Daniel Dennett deliver a lecture about memes — memes in the Richard Dawkins sense (“a unit of cultural transmission”). He talked about a kind of parasite, theDicrocoelium dendriticum,or lancet liver fluke, that infects ants; ...
Blockseer, Elliptic, WizSec, ScoreChain, Skry (acquired by Bloq) – but they are few and far between.83Part of the reason is because the total addressable market is relatively small; the budgets from compliance
thereby putting spot exchanges in a bit of a bind, causing panic and subsequently a market crash. Within days there were multiple “blame China” threads and memes that still persist to this day. Case in point:
It wasn’t the enterprising efforts of the cryptocurrency community or its verbose opinion-makers on social media or the “new 1%.” It was several government law enforcement agencies that coordinated across multiple jurisdictions on limited budgets.6Yet, like Silk Road, some people in the cryptoc...