For example, when you presented Inspirational and Leadership quotes here it also lead me to Productivity and Focus quotes on Sources of Insight. Thanks J.D Meier Anonymous June 27, 2015 @Dragan -- You got the idea. By putting a variety of quotes in your toolbox, you c...
Great leadership quotes inspire us to be all we can be! Quotes about leadership and teamwork help us to discover how true leaders like Abraham Lincoln think. Leadership quotes inspire us. But they also challenge us to reflect upon our own abilities to be a great leader. What am I doing ...
LEADERSHIP QUOTES: Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
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The best inspirational quotes of all time. The gang's all here: Buddha, Emerson, Socrates, Aristotle, Twain, Robbins, and more.
These Teddy Roosevelt quotes are inspirational, wise, and powerful and give you a deep insight into leadership, life, and success. “Dreams are a dime a dozen. it’s their execution that counts.”—Theodore Roosevelt “Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small...
This collection of Alexander the Great quotes will motivate you to conquer your fears and live your life to the fullest potential. Also check out thoseJoan of Arc quotesabout leadership, faith, and strong women. Check out our most popular quote article, a list ofshort inspirational quotesfor ...
Great Quotes is a collection of collection of quotes from famous personalities. All great quotes are hand picked and carefully selected for yourself. You will find quotes for Love, Success, Relationships, Motivation, Leadership, Famous Quotes, Inspire, Love Life, Authors, Motivational, Inspirational,...
Here are inspirational insights about work from Steven Pressfield, Jim Rohn, Steve Jobs, Ayn Rand, Seneca, Lao Tzu, and more. Top 10 Greatest Work Quotes “All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.”— Paul Laurence Dunbar “Either write something worth reading or do something worth wri...
In closing, please keep handy one of the most powerful positive thinking quotes of all time: “May the force be with you.” Always. You Might Also Like The Great Inspirational Quotes Revamped The Great Happiness Quotes Collection Revamped The Great Leadership Quotes Collection Revamped The Great ...