Journal of Great Lakes ResearchZarull, M.A., 1994. Research: the key to Great Lakes rehabilitation. J. Great Lakes Res. 20, 331-332.Zarull, M.A. 1994. Research: the key to Great Lakes rehabilitation. J. Great Lakes Res. 20: 331-332....
Journal of Great Lakes ResearchEadie, B. J., W. S. Chambers, W. S. Gardner, and G. L. Bell (1984), Sediment trap studies in Lake Michigan: ... BJ Eadie,RL Chambers,WS Gardner,... - 《Journal of Great Lakes Research》
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and the complexities of lake balancing. The Q&A session sheds light on funding opportunities, research needs, and the unique issues facing Georgian Bay. Discover the interplay of environmental, economic, and political factors in Great Lakes water management and the ongoing quest for sustainable solutio...
President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Sea Grant College Act, instituting a federal-state-academic partnership that institutes research, education and outreach on behalf of the nation’s coasts, oceans and Great Lakes. Head shot of Robert Ragotzkie, first Wisconsin Sea Grant director. Man in pla...
The Great Lakes helped make the U.S. an economic powerhouse. Now climate change, pollution, and invasive species threaten their complex ecosystems.
Problem Problem D: Great Lakes Water Problem Background The Great Lakes of the United States and Canada are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world. The five lakes and connecting waterways constitute a massive drainage basin that contains many large urban areas in these two countries,...
We evaluated the prestige, program quality, and student success at 3,000 institutions. Learn about the 100 best nursing schools in the Great Lakes.
Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study … 热度: LipidcontentofMysisdiluvianaintheoffshoreregionofsoutheasternLakeMichigan in2009–2010 StevenA.Pothoven a, ⁎,DavidL.Fanslow b,1 ,GaryL.Fahnenstiel a,2 a NationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration,GreatLakesEnvironmentalResearchLaboratory,1431Be...
Great Lakes npl US (group of lakes in North America) (北美洲的湖泊群) SC 大湖 Only one of the Great Lakes is entirely within the U.S.; the others form the Canadian border. great man n (notable, influential man) SC 伟大的男子 wěi dà de nán zǐ SC 了不起的男子 wěi dà de...