Fig. 1. Map of Great Lakes with the bordering Canadian provinces and American states labeled and rivers mentioned in the text identified (source of background map: Esri, 2021). The invasion of the Great Lakes by sea lampreys in the late 1800s is one of the greatest ecological disasters of...
there really aren’t many measurable ‘success’ stories – aside from speculation and illicit activities – so you end up having to fill a couple hundred pages based on hypotheticals that you (as an author) probably don’t have the best optics in. ...
This tension may have had direct bearing on the weir’s eventual removal. GLFC visions The timing of the construction, operation, and removal of the weir and fishway spanned the publication of three GLFC 10-year Strategic Visions (Great Lakes Fishery Commission, 1992, Great Lakes Fishery ...
However, a fixed\({\sigma }^{\mathrm{eff}}\)value of 30 MPa did not enable us to reproduce target phenomena 1a, 1d, and 2, so we allowed\({\sigma }^{\mathrm{eff}}\)(and\(L\)) to be heterogeneous. Seafloor ridges and seamounts on the Philippine Sea plate correspond to positive...
map manifold malraux ludie lucille lowest lou loosely litigation limp limiting lime leveled lester lasting lantern lafayette labeled journalism joints ironic ireland involvement investigators inventories invented invariant integral inspector insert insane inquirer inhabitants indiana incomplete incest implicit imperial...