Influence of winter weather and shelter on activity patterns of beef cows Large ungulates grazing native rangelands during winter must balance forage intake, a source of energy gain, with minimizing thermal stress, a source of en... BE Olson,R T Wallander - 《Canadian Veterinary Journal La Revue...
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range and pasture appraisalkey forage plantskey grazing areaMany guidance documents and references have been prepared by federal and state agencies on proper grazing use. This article summarizes these documents for use by field personnel.Proper grazing use or acceptable forage utilization can be judged...
Double Cropping Alternative Annual Forage Crops to Extend the Grazing Season in the Northern Great Plains.Vance Owens
Influence of domestic livestock grazing on American Pika (Ochotona princeps) forage and haypiling behavior in the Great Basin. Western North American Naturalist.Constance I. MillarMILLAR, C.I. 2011. Influence of domestic livestock grazing on American pika (Ochotona princeps) haypiling behavior in ...
Results and conclusions The APEX model was able to simulate the relative differences in forage production between grazing treatments, across years, and among soil types; however, APEX underestimated forage production in 2015 and 2017 due to overestimating drought stress for the warm season perennial ...
Prescribed fire provides several important services in rural landscapes and native prairie-dominated pastures, including reducing wildland fuels that could lead to wildfires [16], controlling woody invasion and non-native species [17,18], enriching habitat and forage for both wildlife and livestock [...