Define Darius the Great. Darius the Great synonyms, Darius the Great pronunciation, Darius the Great translation, English dictionary definition of Darius the Great. Noun 1. Darius the Great - king of Persia who expanded the Persian Empire and invaded Gre
Free Essay: The king of Persia was able to generate a positive name for himself even from those who descended from conflicting countries. Cyrus the Great,...
Darius I Hystaspes, or Darius the Great, king of Persia [522-486 BCE]. Through his father Hystaspes, Darius belonged to the Achaemenid family, as did Cyrus The Great and his son Cambyses II, but to a different branch of this family. When Cambyses was in Egypt, during the last year ...
Define Cyrus the Great. Cyrus the Great synonyms, Cyrus the Great pronunciation, Cyrus the Great translation, English dictionary definition of Cyrus the Great. Noun 1. Cyrus the Great - king of Persia and founder of the Persian Empire Cyrus II, Cyrus the
A great king of Persia's Sassanian Dynasty, Shapur supposedly was crowned before he was born. Shapur consolidated Persian power, fought off attacks by nomadic groups and extended the boundaries of his empire, and fended off the encroachment of Christianity from the newly-converted Roman Empire....
And Thrasymachus of Chalcedon, in one of his prefaces, says that Timocreon came to the great king of Persia, and being entertained by him, did eat an immense quantity of food; and when the king asked him, What he would do on the strength of it? he said that he would beat a ...
BASSO.Most great and puissant monarch of the earth, Your basso will accomplish your behest, And shew your pleasure to the Persian, As fits the legate of the stately Turk. [Exit.] KING OF ARGIER.They say he is the king of Persia; But, if he dare attempt to stir your siege, '...
The Philippines is a country attracting a lot of attention. The Philippine Islands were discovered in 1521 by Magellan during the reign of Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor;he was Carlos/Charles I as King of Spain) whose only son and sole heir, Don Felipe (Philip II) was born on May 21, ...
(redirected fromDarius the Great of Persia) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Da·ri·us I (də-rī′əs)Known as"Darius the Great."550?-486bc. King of Persia (521-486) who expanded the empire, organized a highly efficient administrative system, and invaded Greece, only to be defeated ...
time, Darius, a king of Persia, had invaded Greece with an army offive hundred thousand men, and yet he had been defeated and drivenback, and now Alexander was undertaking to retaliate with a great dealless than one tenth part of the force.Of Alexander's army of thirty-five thousand, ...