XD: First off, congrats on manager of the month, what was it like to have the hard work turn into a great award? It was kind of a surprise even though I knew that my team have performed very well lately. But still: Best performing team in all divisions that’s really something! XD...
JAVA - Java 相关书籍合集,《剑指Offer》、《编程珠玑》、《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》、《重构-改善既有代码的设计 中文版》、《clean_code(中文完整版)》、《Java编程思想(第4版)》、《Java核心技术 卷I (第8版)》、《Quartz_Job+Scheduling_Framework》。 Tutorial - 后端(Java、Golang)...
20. reSmush.it reSmush.itis one of the most popular free WordPress image optimization plugins. It uses advanced technology to reduce image sizes for JPG, PNG, and GIF files quickly. It offersbulk image optimizationoptions, optimization levels, and more. You can also exclude images you don’t ...
Save American Jobs Jack Davis' excellent organization opposing job-destroying trade treaties Send Them A Message Action site for The Conservative Caucus' Repeal Obama Care Bill Project Sound of Hope Radio Bringing the news of freedom to Communist China The Separation of School & State Alliance Suppor...
How Will AI Ruin Humanity? Pop Mech Pro The GIF Is Dead. Long Live the GIF. We Built the World’s First V-8 Tesla Pop Mech Pro An Oral History of the Challenger These Batteries Will Change How We Live This MiG Super Fighter Terrified NATO ...
The sun and moon did a good job lining up so I guess we’ll keep them. Seriously, it was indescribable except to say I feel kind of small after these two earth events. Chester? He wasn’t too happy. He looked worried when it got dark and the birds stopped chirping. He sat by us...
The downsides is that sticky sessions reduce the ability of the load balancer to do its job. Solution2: Version stamps and ensure every interaction with the data store includes the latest version stamp seen by a session. Replication Consistency Def: Slaves could return stale data. Reason: ...
Here is a great example of an about us page created by comedians for comedians as well as their audience. The first thing you’ll notice is the tagline: We Make Fun. It is strategically followed by pictures of the team looking like they are genuinely having fun. Well, except for the te...
As you’ll see in a bit, Gates isn’t always the best in terms of power and strength against top-notch nose techniques. However, he does a good job on both plays above by readjusting his plan and riding each defender up towards his right guard after surrendering the half-man...
“He’s already a member of the commission, and he worked so hard for me,” Grassley said of his endorsement. “He headed up our judicial nominees for the Supreme Court — that’s a tough job. And I know his work ethic is very strong, he’s a strong...