Another important theme in The Great Gatsby is money. There's a sharp divide between the old money (Tom and Daisy) and the new (Gatsby). This divide is physically represented by the bay between East Egg and West Egg. The theme of death is woven throughout the novel, which sees the de...
被欧洲嘲笑没有文化历史根基的美国也讲究old money。盖茨比为了让主流社会接纳自己,谎称自己有皇家背景,自掏腰包举办穷奢极侈但空洞无聊的大型派对来招待华尔街和政界名流。各式各样的人在派对上认识、勾结。盖茨比在这个挥霍无度的派对上隐身不出现,也许怕深谈后被识破自己的草根背景然后被上流社会遗弃。而其实old mon...
New Money Versus Old Money; The Importance of Wealth in Building Relationships in The Great Gatsbydoi:10.23918/ijsses.v10i2p131GREAT Gatsby, The (Book : Fitzgerald)FITZGERALD, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896-1940SOCIAL classesDEPRESSIONS (Economics)...
系统标签: gatsby 台词 tof 单词 标注 保留剧目 了不起的盖茨比(TheGreatGatsby)2000 本集电影生词统计如下:所有词汇标注共548个,其中 GRE词汇共139个托福词汇共204个英语专八词汇共42个英语专四共238个六级词汇共143个四级词汇共275个文末还附有单独的单词整理台词正文 Inmyyoungerandmorevulnerableyears, 在我年...
在Daisy結婚的當天她收到了來自Gatsby的信件並且一度想要毀約,但最終還是嫁給了Tom,Gatsby在一戰後當了一個私酒商賺足了錢,他把自己打扮得像個Old Money(老資本階級),他也爭取在行為舉止上表現的像個Old Money,他在Daisy家隔灣相望的地方買了房子並且每週末舉辦派對就是等待著有一天Daisy的到來,可是Daisy從來沒有...
同时old money对new money也是不屑一顾的。譬如一开始人们对于盖茨比的发家史不乏恶意揣测。这种嗤之以鼻从汤姆对盖的指责当中也可见一斑: I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if that’s the idea you can count me out…. ...
Nick终于知道Daisy的闺蜜的全名了。这个人物形象也挺饱满,不管是外形还是性格特征。但个人感触: 这一群old money讲究礼仪,贵气,却实打实虚伪冷漠的精致利己主义。而new money不过是表现得更挥霍、更花哨夹杂一些时代洪流带来的迷茫罢了。 这一段描写想起了下午初次见到时Nick的描写: ...
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The upper class couple, Tom and Daisy, represent the old money going downhill, while Gatsby as a self-made man represents the new money that wants equal social status to that of the upper class. 展开 关键词: money class Gatsby identity dream ...
1、Color Symbolism inT he Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比中颜色的象征 【关键词】菲茨杰拉德 ;颜色 ;象征意义 I. Introduction Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was American writer of novels and short stories, Fitzgerald is just the tragic hero of the period, whose works are evocative of the Jazz Ages, ...