If you buy a gift voucher in one of our London stores this can be redeemed online, and vice versa. Can I combine gift vouchers? Please note you can’t use two separate gift vouchers online – contact george@thegreatfroglondon.com or monique@thegreatfroglondon.com for any queries regardin...
There was no way a mere $800 voucher was going to lure me away from taking my rightful crummy uncomfortable seat on the plane. After the delay of sorting out who was going to get to board and who was not, we all got on the plane, and sat there at the gate. And sat there. And...
Can I use a physical gift voucher online? Unfortunately physical gift vouchers cannot be redeemed on our website and are only valid in-store. Should you wish to have this converted into digital format, please email info@thegreatfroglondon.com and send a photo of your gift voucher torn in ...