Define Great Wall of China. Great Wall of China synonyms, Great Wall of China pronunciation, Great Wall of China translation, English dictionary definition of Great Wall of China. A line of fortifications across northern China. Originally built during th
The Great Firewall of China is a term used to refer to the infrastructure of the Chinese leadership in controlling web traffic within the country. It is a play on words based on the renowned Great Wall of China, the massive structure built to protect the Northern edges of the kingdom from...
Human Rights organizations and advocates have described the anachronistic discrepancy between economic wealth and the freedom deficit in powerful terms such as the famous “The Great Firewall of China.” The Chinese speech censorship and policing of the Internet have become fixtures in global human ...
The Great Firewall of China is considered asplinternet, which divides the global public internet into a subset of information for a specific region. As a form of splinternet, internet inside of China is different than it is in the free world, where access is open and users are free to vis...
With a draconian online surveillance system in place, China’s censorship is tough to evade. So, how did a movement like #MeToo mobilize under the eyes of the big brother in China? China’s rigid censorship, also known as the “Great Firewall” is an expansive set of legal and technolog...
Great Firewall Great Glen Great go great grandchild great granddaughter great grandfather great grandmother great grandparent great grandson great gray owl great grey kangaroo great grey owl Great Grimsby great gross great guns great hall Great headed widgeon ...
OpenGFW is your very own DIY Great Firewall of China (, available as a flexible, easy-to-use open source program on Linux. Why let the powers that be have all the fun? It's time to give power to the people and democratize censorship. Br...
Great Firewall of Australia? (Great E-Barrier Reef?)I blogged about this four years ago, back when it was just an early proposal, but now it seems to be officially recommended by the Australian government:AUSTRALIA will join China in implementing mandatory censoring of the internet under ...
had introduced a bill to prohibit the import and export of any AI “technology” to or from China, with penalties of 20 years’ imprisonment. The bill would ban research projects — activities “directed toward fuller scientific knowledge” — with Chinese colleges or universities. And the broad...
the Great Firewall of China (Internet censorship) 码长城Trad.碼長城 mǎ cháng chéng to play mahjong (lit. to build the great wall) (colloquial) 中国长城工业公司Trad.中國長城工業公司 Zhōng guó Cháng chéng Gōng yè Gōng sī China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) ...