Learn about the two Great Expectations endings and what happens to Pip and Estella at the end of each. Explore the novel through summary, analysis, and key quotes. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Summary: The Build-Up to the Great Expectations Ending Analysis: How Does Great ...
To further analyze this character, you can check out the corresponding lesson titled Joe Gargery in Great Expectations. This lesson includes the following objectives: Know the role of Estella Familiarize yourself with Joe's speaking manner Explore key quotes about Joe from the novel Practice Ex...
Previous Allusions Great Expectations: Dialect 2 key examples Next Dramatic Irony Book 1, Chapter 1 Explanation and Analysis—Use of Dialect : Great Expectations contains lots of representations of Southern English working-class dialect, from the Kent area of the "marshes" and from London. For ...
Home New Stories Inspirational Attitude Life Love Friendship Happiness Success Parental Quotes Home Attitude Great Expectationsby: Barry Spilchuk, Source Unknownin Attitude, Optimism, Success Inspirational StoriesShare on FacebookShare on Twitter Pete Rose, the famous baseball player, and I have never me...
《Great Expectations》的原文摘录 按热度排序 按页码排序 那时候艾丝黛拉的父亲准会认为我是有意丢弃他,他准会被逮捕,临死还要怨我;赫伯尔特看到了我留给他的信,一打听我总共只在郝薇香小姐家的大门口站了片刻,连他也难免要对我怀疑;乔和毕蒂一辈子也不会知道我那天夜里对他们怀着多大的内疚,谁也不会知道我...
《Great Expectations》的原文摘录 按热度排序 按页码排序 日复一日从东边天空里压过来大片厚厚的云层,罩住了伦敦,连绵不断,仿佛那东边天空里藏着刮不完的风、散不尽的云似的。 (查看原文) Ckiki2022-10-31 11:41:05 —— 引自第371页 “皮普,亲爱的老朋友,生活就是由这许许多多的零件拼凑起来的,就像有...
Great Expectations: Book 2, Chapter 34 Summary & Analysis Next Book 2, Chapter 35 Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis Taking his coming wealth (i.e. his "expectations") for granted, Pip keeps spending extravagantly and inspires Herbert to as well. The two go into debt. They join...
The specific context under scrutiny is visitor attractions and hotels throughout Scotland, as key elements of the Scottish tourism sector. From an outline of the intrinsic nature of the Scottish tourism sector, the article explores customer awareness and expectations of the IIP award. In so doing,...
“Nobody rises to low expectations.” —Calvin Lloyd “One cannot consent to creep when one feels the impulse to soar.” —Helen Keller “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson ...
Great Expectations Quotes "Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations." "Take another glass of wine, and excuse my mentioning that society as a body does not expect one to be so strictly conscientious in emptying one's...