Always know what to expect from your data. Contribute to great-expectations/great_expectations development by creating an account on GitHub.
Always know what to expect from your data. Contribute to great-expectations/great_expectations development by creating an account on GitHub.
如果要在python代码中使用,可以这样引入。 importgreat_expectationsasgx 随后建立一个上下文。 context = gx.get_context() 连接数据。 validator = context.sources.pandas_default.read_csv("") 定...
Great Expectations是一个开源的数据质量检查工具,使用了基于机器学习的数据质量自动化管理工作流程。它可以轻松地对数据质量进行验证、建模和监控。用户以期望(expectations)的形式定义断言(assertions)。顾名思义,期望是您期望从数据中获得的质量,断言则是用声明性语言编写的。 例如,下图的断言示例定义了passenger_count列...
To view the published storybook, visit Getting started $ npm install @great-expectations/jsonforms-antd-renderers Using AntD Renderers In order to use this package you need to import the renderer registry entries from this package and...
Great-Expectations 是最近发现的一个用来做数据验证的一个框架,首先提供各种接口/方法可以直接调用去快速验证某一列的数据质量。 比如是否存在空值(null),是否有重复的值,或者数据列的范围值。 这里就规定了98%的数据都要在0-5这个区间内。mostly 即限定了成功的百分比。 Great- Expectations 不仅如此,它是一个fram...
Go to the topic file in theGitHub Great Expectations docs repositoryyou want to edit. The topic URL includes the topic file name. For example, the URL for the Great Expectations Quickstart is The URL indicates the topic is located in...
The character's Data property should not be modified +// CharData may be used to represent simple text data or a CDATA section +// within an XML document. The Data property should never be modified // directly; use the SetData method instead. type CharData struct { - Data string + ...
Great Expectations是一个开源的数据质量检查工具,使用了基于机器学习的数据质量自动化管理工作流程。它可以轻松地对数据质量进行验证、建模和监控。用户以期望(expectations)的形式定义断言(assertions)。顾名思义,期望是您期望从数据中获得的质量,断言则是用声明性语言编写的。 例如,下图的断言示例定义了passenger_count...
This branch is 30 commits behind astronomer/airflow-provider-great-expectations:main.Folders and files Latest commit ivanstillfront Use Snowflake provider to build connection string (astronomer#98) 0f41977· Mar 14, 2023 History243 Commits .github great_expectations_provider include tests .gitig...