GreatEnglishShortStories[著名英文短篇小说集]作者 Paul Negri著 出版社 DoverPublications 出版时间 2005年8月 ISBN 9780486440903 定价 51.50 内容简介 Saki's"Tobermory"tellsthetaleofatalkingcatwho'sconversationturnstowardthescandalousremarkshe'soverheard.AdditionalselectionsincludeHardy's"TheFiddlerofthe...
当当华研外语旗舰店在线销售正版《英文原版 英文短篇小说集 Great English Short Stories 全英文版》。最新《英文原版 英文短篇小说集 Great English Short Stories 全英文版》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《英文原版 英文短篇小说集 Gr
Great English Short Stories 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ Never have I actually read Charles Dickens; well, perhaps I have, part of Great Expectations, and that's all. It's been brought to my attention that he is a profoundly humorous author, at least in this The Haunted House, which the ed...
网络释义 1. 美国著名短篇小说选 《Metaphysical... ...Great American Short Stories(美国著名短篇小说选) Great English Short Stories( 著名英文短篇小说集) ...|基于12个网页
Never have I actually read Charles Dickens; well, perhaps I have, part of Great Expectations, and that's all. It's been brought to my attention that he is a profoundly humorous author, at least in this The Haunted House, which the editor has willingly, I guess, placed in the opening ...
【24集全】TTC 美国短篇小说名著 Great American Short Stories A Guide for Writers and Readers 3.6万播放 【001】 “Come In Here” How Stories Draw Us In 33:17 【002】Discovering the American Short Story 33:39 【003】The Storytelling Instinct in America 31:54 【004】Storytelling and American ...
His is the author several books and articles on English literature, as well as the editor of the Bantam anthology,50 Great American Short Stories.--- The Garden Party - Katherine Mansfield 1The Three Day Blow - Ernest Hemingway 14The Standard of Living - Dorothy Parker 22The Saint -...
《Black Cat Publishing》中级分级书,6个等级,64本。《Great English Monarchs and their Times - A Tudor King》,等级2,10本。 适合小学4年级~6年级的青少年。 为孩子讲本书 知识 人文历史 英语 英语听力 有声书 桥梁书 分级书 英语学习 阅读 名著 英语有声书...
Milton Crane is Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature at George Washington University and the University of Chicago. His is the author several books and articles on English literature, as well as the editor of the Bantam anthology, 50 Great American Short Stories. 目录 ··· Th...