Great Circle Mapper® This information may not be accurate or current and is not valid for navigation or flight planning. No warranty of fitness for any purpose is made or implied. Try this map on the NEW Great Circle Mapper CodeSourceLocation ...
The Great Circle Mapper displays maps and computes distances along a geodesic path. It includes an extensive, searchable database of airports and other locations.
Great Circle Mapper® FAQ Featured Maps More Home Controls Paths Distance and Time Units statute milesnautical mileskilometersmeterscentimetersmilliimetersfeetfurlongsMinimum Ground Speed or Mach miles/hourknotskm/hourfeet/secondMachfurlongs/fortnight...
The Great Circle Mapper displays maps and computes distances along a geodesic path. It includes an extensive, searchable database of airports and other locations.
� This page shows a Great Circle Map of Colombo, Sri Lanka. An example of a Great Circle Map that is centered on the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Azimuthal Equidistant map, produced by EI8IC's 'Great Circle Mapper' program, includes non-overlapping Amateur Radio prefixes, and can...
How can I become a fan of the Great Circle Mapper?Great Circle Mapper on FacebookHow can I make a donation to help keep the site going?You can donate if you like via PayPal. What other cool mapping sites are on the web?Here are a few: ...
The Azimuthal Equidistant map, produced by EI8IC's 'Great Circle Mapper' program, includes non-overlapping Amateur Radio prefixes, and can be used to determine the correct direction to point a beam antennna that is located in New Delhi, India. You can use this map on your own website if...
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Date: December 26, 2005 03:49PM Peter, I like your GCM solution: Would GCM help for searches within a zip code? - Edwin PS: I frequently use the Great Circle Mapper to figure out distanes for various routes for international travel. ...