The official game of Great British Railway Journeys is coming to Steam 5th March. In the show Michael Portillo follows in the footsteps of the father of the train timetable George Bradshaw. Now take to the rails and start your own adventure driving iconic trains across five famous routes from...
《英国铁路纪行 第八季 Great British Railway Journeys Season 8》于2017-01-02(英国)上映。演员迈克尔·波蒂洛主演的《英国铁路纪行 第八季 Great British Railway Journeys Season 8》是一部纪录片类型电影。 Great British Railway Journeys is a BBC documentary series presented by Michael Portillo. It premier...
S1.E15 ∙ Penang to Kuala KangsarFri, Feb 14, 2020 Michael Portillo's rail tour of south east Asia reaches Malaysia, and on the island of Penang, Michael traces the origins of the former British colony in Georgetown. 7.5/10 (19)Rate ...
Portillo sings praise of Ongar line on TV show ; Train service featured on Great British Railway Journeys [Edition 2]Joshua Farrington
在英国上国内的各种视频网站都是卡得不行,看BBC却很给力。本来打算看Frozen Planet,BBC网站上竟然是手语版的,看着美景的同时旁边站一个人手舞足蹈的实在很倒胃口。好在又发现了这一部Great British Railway Journeys,已经播到第三季了。看的同时做点笔记吐点槽,以后如果有机会可以去。
Michael Portillo continues his rail journey through Northern Ireland. In Belfast's grand Edwardian City Hall, Michael investigates the scene of a watershed moment in Irish history. Rate S10.E8 ∙ Larne to DumfriesWed, Feb 13, 2019 Leaving from the seaport of Larne, Michael reaches Stranraer an...
欧洲铁路之旅 第四季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 4 导演: 编剧: 主演:Michael Portillo 类型:纪录片电影 上映日期:2015-10-16 0人喜欢 欢迎观看《欧洲铁路之旅 第四季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 4》电影, 该片由最新电影收集自网络。网站提供影视评价、影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、...
欧洲铁路之旅 第六季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 6(2018)标签: 纪录片 类型: 电视剧 导演: 主演: 评分: 9 剧情: Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide in hand, Michael Portillo embarks on another rail journey...短评 Dommage! 乌克兰,格鲁吉亚&阿塞拜疆,印度 B站上看的,3-6集是印度...
欧洲铁路之旅 第四季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 4 导演: 编剧: 主演:Michael Portillo 类型:纪录片电影 上映日期:2015-10-16 0人喜欢 欢迎观看《欧洲铁路之旅 第四季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 4》电影, 该片由最新电影收集自网络。网站提供影视评价、影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、...
《欧洲铁路之旅 第一季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 1》于2012-11-08上映。演员迈克尔·波蒂洛主演的《欧洲铁路之旅 第一季 Great Continental Railway Journeys Season 1》是一部纪录片类型电影。 Michael Portillo travels on the great train routes of Europe, as he retraces the journeys featured...