German railroad engineers backed his boast by helping to build the Berlin-to-Baghdad railway and the Hijaz Railway from Damascus to Medina—neither of which was completed before the war, but both of which Britain saw as potential threats to India.Germany’s diplomatic sabre-rattling had inspired ...
House declares war against Great Britain, June 4, 1812Andrew GlassANDREW GLASS
During the war Mehmed Talaat was one of the three paramount leaders of the Ottoman Empire. Together with Ahmed Djemal and Ismail Enver he brought Turkey into the war on Germany’s side and then played a leading role in directing a campaign of extermination against the empire’s Armenian commu...
Germany becomes the second nation to recover fully from the Great Depression, through heavy deficit spending in preparation for war. 1937 The Supreme Court declares the National Labor Relations Board to be unconstitutional. Roosevelt seeks to enlarge and therefore liberalize the Supreme Court. This att...
FDR’s administration would shift to national defense and supply Great Britain. Italy joins the war, allied with Germany, in June 1940 while Germany takes control of Paris. Only England is left. Air raids over London begin. People are worried should England also falls. ...
Just howfictional girls respond towartime challenges and expectations,however,differssignificantlyinbookspublished in Germany, Britain, and the United Statesdur-ing the war.Whereas Britishand American protagonists are mobile heroines,contributingtothe war effort not just in the home, but in factories and...
The rebellious states de- feated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first successful colonial war of independence.[9] A federal convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17, 1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single ...
The king was now in great need of money. He was at war with Spain and had promised to pay L30,000 a month to Christian IV. of Denmark in support of the Protestant campaign in Germany. To these necessities was now added a war with France. Charles had never kept his promise concerning...
The USA generates more than a quarter of the world's GDP, has a defense budget ten times either of its nearest rivals (Britain and China), with Russia spending a mere 7 percent of what the United States spends on defense. The United States, in the phrase of Barry Posen, has “command...
Britain declares north sea a military zone In October of 1914, Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare in the waters around the British isles, making all ships, no matter their owner, a potential target. In response, the following month, the United Kingdom declared the North Sea an offi...