Australia, Japan and Great Britain, 1914–18: A study in triangular diplomacydoi:10.1080/10314617008595422L. F. FitzhardingeHistorical StudiesLF Fitzhardinge, "Australia, Japan and Great Britain 1914-18", Historical Studies, 14, 54, 1970, 250-59; William R Louis, "Australia and the German...
Britain and Japan are the two great pioneers of industrialism and therefore 1 the modern world. Britain was the pioneer industrial nation of the Western, European- 2 (dominate) world, Japan of the Eastern, Non-European and, to many eyes, 3 hope of the Third World. The countries have alway...
aThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the entire name of Britain,its capital city is London。It's same as Japan,an island country。British symbol the Daihon(大本钟) is as the Mountain Fuji of Japan。In addition,A small part of British people speak Japanese。So Briti...
International in scope, this history includes not only Britain and France but also the great rugby powers of the southern hemisphere and other successful rugby nations, such as Argentina, Fiji, and Japan. Rich in anecdotes-including the... ...
Both are islands off of the main Eurasian landmass.;Both have been relatively protected from invasions from the mainland.;Both were able to trade heavily with the mainland.;Both are temperate-zone economies, with relatively high-yield agriculture.
Influences of culture and market convergence on the international advertising strategies of multinational corporations in North America, Europe and Asia execution across product country of origin (Japan, Korea, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United...
(1) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (2) Singapore (3) Sweden (4) Republic of Korea (5) Canada (6) Pakistan (7) Romania (8) Sri Lanka (9) France (10) Malaysia (11) Japan (12) India (13) Germany (14) The Netherlands (15) Italy (16) Denmark (17) China...
Great Britain Great Britain, officially United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, constitutional monarchy (2015 est. pop. 65,397,000), 94,226 sq mi (244,044 sq km), on the British Isles, off W Europe. The country is often referred to simply as Britain. Technically, Great ...
作者: Great Britain. Foreign,Commonwealth Office 摘要: Headquarters agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation : Edinburgh, 26 April 1985 presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for ...
doi:10.1080/10314617008595422L.AustralianF.AustralianFitzhardingeAustralianInformaworldHistorical StudiesLF Fitzhardinge, "Australia, Japan and Great Britain 1914-18", Historical Studies, 14, 54, 1970, 250-59; William R Louis, "Australia and the German...