#[854330] COIN, GREAT BRITAIN, VICTORIA, SOVEREIGN, 1876, LONDON, , GOLD, KM:752Head leftSt. George slaying the dragonVICTORIA D:G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F:D
Coin, Great Britain, Edward I, II, III, Penny, Canterbury, , Silver FEATURES COUNTRYGreat Britain DENOMINATIONPenny YEARUndated MINT NAMECanterbury COMPOSITIONSilver DIAMETER17.8 RULER NAMEEdward I, II, III WEIGHT (G)1.16 Conformity This item is certified authentic follo...
The coronavirus/covid-19 pandemic is not like the First World War. There are a whole host of ways in which they are different, but there are ways in which life over the last month or so has echoed features of life in Great Britain – and London in particular – in 1914-1918. I’ve...
A Study of the Line-Engraved Twopence Postage Stamps of Great Britain by C.F. Dendy Marshall, 1929, 1929, 69 pages, cloth, most usable however the binding should be restored. $130.00 The Plating of the Penny Black Postage Stamp of Great Britain, 1840 by Charles Nissen, 1998 Stanley Gib...
‘standard flour’ was introduced by the Wheat Commission in Britain, which included more of the coarser husk that was extracted from the grain. Germany instigated similar changes in January 1915, with a law passed stipulating that wheaten bread must contain at least 10% rye, and rye bread ...
‘standard flour’ was introduced by the Wheat Commission in Britain, which included more of the coarser husk that was extracted from the grain. Germany instigated similar changes in January 1915, with a law passed stipulating that wheaten bread must contain at least 10% rye, and rye bread ...
Birmingham, the second largest city in Great Britain, is geographically and in importance the centre of Industrial England. It has a population of more than a million, and within an outer radius of twelve miles nearly five millions. Some idea of the expansion of the City may be gleaned ...
It would therefore appear that the pioneering work of descriptive sketch artists for Britain's phonograph industry 1914–1918, and the years preceding it, represents the earliest surviving record of audio drama. I conclude the article with a summation of the significance and importance of The ...