声明:本文翻译自Great Books of the Western World(GBWW,兹译为“西方世界经典”)第一版第一卷。翻译过程完全出自本人兴趣,不保证信达雅,可读原文的读者应阅读原文,本文的发布只是为读者提供一个接触此书的途径,对任何因误用本文而造成的后果本人概不负责。任何形式转载请联系译者。注:Liberal在此文中分别翻译为“...
The Great ideas:a syntopicon of the Great books of the Western world The great ideas : a syntopicon of great books of the Western World Mortimer J. Adler, editor in chief ; William Gorman, general editor (Great books of the ... MJ Adler,W Gorman,RM Hutchins - William Benton 被引量...
Great Books of the Western World的创作者· ··· 莫提默·J·艾德勒作者 原文摘录 ···(全部) 在心智的诸种才能中,智慧的特殊性质体现在 每个人都会同意的那些能够被认作智慧的东西之中一一 那些不能够被泛泛地称之为技艺以及科学或者知识和学问的东西。 许多世纪以来,我们相信, 知识可以稳固地增长,学问...
推荐“Great Books of the Western World” 全套60册 《西方世界的伟大著作》是一套西方的经典著作,收录了上下两千多年西方文化的精髓。第一版选取74位西方历史文化巨人的443部作品,加上丛书导言和综合索引,总辑为54卷,涵盖文学、历史、哲学和科学四大领域,内容也不只限于英美文学,文、史、哲、经、政、法各方面...
Great Books of the Western World: The Critique of Pure Reason, The Critique of Practical Reason and Other Ethical Treatises, The Critique of JudgementIntroduction (Harvard Theological Studies).pdf By Hall, David D.Download DIARY OF...
In the world of books, there are hundreds of timeless classics. But only one collection of great works is a classic in itself - "Britannica's Great Books". This 60-volume set brings you centuries of celebrated writings from the greatest minds of all time, including Plato, Shakespeare, Swift...
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